TRW CINCH - 10 142 - Barrier Block / Terminal Strip/Block, Series 142 10 Position Double Row

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TRW CINCH - 10 142 - Barrier Block / Terminal Strip/Block, Series 142 10 Position Double Row

Interposing barriers between terminals yield higher electrical ratings and provide additional protection against frayed wire shorting. A wide variety of barrier blocks makes it possible to select the combination of mechanical and electrical characteristics that best meet the exact requirements of your application. A wide selection of optional terminals and fanning strips permits the equipment designer to choose the method of termination most suitable for his environmental specifications and manufacturing requirements.

Insulation Material: Molded monoblock, general purpose phenolic, Black, UL Rated 94V-1

Eyelets: Material - BrassPlating - Nickel

Screws:Material - SteelPlating - Nickel over copper flash

Solder Terminals: Material - BrassPlating - Electro-Tin

Marker Strip Material: Nema Grade XPC, UL Rated 94V-O

Pitch: 14.3002 mm

Operating Temp: -55 F to 300 F

.563 Density, 8-32 x 5/16"BH Screw, Open Bottom

Voltage Rating: 250 VAC RMS maximum

Current Rating: 30 Amps maximum

Maximum Watts Per Terminal:7500

Maximum Wire Size:#10 AWG

Recommended Tightening Torque:16 lb.-in

New Old Stock

Alternate: TE Connectivity / Amp 1-1986158-0

Proudly Made in USA