
Electronic Circuit Resistors

When you need a resistor to stabilize your current, go to the internet’s premier resistor distributor: Electronic Surplus. The electrical resistor circuits for sale in our inventory will help keep your devices running smoothly and safely.  

We take pride in our work as a distributor, so we put in the effort to offer you a large variety of quality products. We carry products ranging from high voltage and carbon film to non-inductive and power resisters, so you can find the electrical resistor circuit for sale that suits your needs. If our current listings do not show your resistor in stock, please submit a part request and we will be in contact with you shortly.  

Shop our selection of resistor circuits below. 

Common Wattage  
  1. 1/42W 1 item
  2. 1/20 W 4 items
  3. 1/16 W 41 items
  4. 1/10 W 79 items
  5. 1/8 W 298 items
  6. 1/5 W 2 items
  7. 2/10 W 11 items
  8. 1/4 W 539 items
  9. 1/4W 62 items
  10. 3/10 W 3 items
  11. 1/3 W 8 items
  12. 1/3W 1 item
  13. 0.063 Watt 1 item
  14. 3/8 W 5 items
  15. 4/10 W 68 items
  16. 1/2 W 459 items
  17. 3/4 W 53 items
  18. 1 Watt 340 items
  19. 1 W 2 items
  20. 42/32 W 1 item
  21. 2 Watt 262 items
  22. 3 Watt 274 items
  23. 4 Watt 7 items
  24. 5W 1 item
  25. 5 Watt 266 items
  26. 5.8 Watt 1 item
  27. 6 Watt 2 items
  28. 7 Watt 11 items
  29. 8 Watt 29 items
  30. 10 Watt 211 items
  31. 11 Watt 17 items
  32. 12.5W 1 item
  33. 12.5 W 4 items
  34. 12 Watt 62 items
  35. 14 Watt 2 items
  36. 15 Watt 16 items
  37. 20 Watt 79 items
  38. 21 Watt 1 item
  39. 20-25 W 1 item
  40. 25 Watt 123 items
  41. 25W 8 items
  42. 30 Watt 36 items
  43. 32 Watt 4 items
  44. 35 Watt 36 items
  45. 40 Watt 27 items
  46. 42 Watt 4 items
  47. 45 Watt 9 items
  48. 47 Watt 7 items
  49. 50 Watt 143 items
  50. 55 Watt 14 items
  51. 55W 1 item
  52. 60 Watt 12 items
  53. 65 Watt 13 items
  54. 70 Watt 14 items
  55. 75W 2 items
  56. 75 Watt 56 items
  57. 80 Watt 43 items
  58. 90 Watt 5 items
  59. 95 Watt 6 items
  60. 100 Watt 154 items
  61. 110 Watt 6 items
  62. 115 Watt 1 item
  63. 116W 1 item
  64. 118 Watt 1 item
  65. 120 Watt 22 items
  66. 125 Watt 5 items
  67. 130 Watt 51 items
  68. 135 Watt 2 items
  69. 140 Watt 2 items
  70. 145 Watt 4 items
  71. 150 Watt 36 items
  72. 155 Watt 10 items
  73. 160 Watt 40 items
  74. 168 Watt 1 item
  75. 175 Watt 14 items
  76. 180 Watt 4 items
  77. 200 Watt 35 items
  78. 200-225 W 1 item
  79. 203 Watt 1 item
  80. 210 Watt 5 items
  81. 215 Watt 1 item
  82. 218 Watt 1 item
  83. 220 Watt 1 item
  84. 225 Watt 37 items
  85. 226 Watt 1 item
  86. 250 Watt 1 item
  87. 240 Watt 16 items
  88. 295 Watt 2 items
  89. 300 Watt 37 items
  90. 375 Watt 5 items
  91. 400 Watt 11 items
  92. 420 Watt 3 items
  93. 500 Watt 7 items
  94. 550 Watt 6 items
  95. 1500 Watt 1 item
  96. Not Specified 357 items
Sub Identifier  
mΩ - milli-ohm  
0mΩ 0mΩ to 1Ω
Ω - ohm  
1KΩ 1Ω to 1KΩ
kΩ - kilo-ohm  
1kΩ 1MΩ 1kΩ to 1MΩ
MΩ - mega-ohm  
1MΩ 10GΩ 1MΩ to 10GΩ
  1. !@ 4 items
  2. Unmarked 134 items
  3. MEMCOR & MILWAUKEE 1 item
  4. AB 1 item
  5. Allen Bradley - AB 245 items
  6. ALPS 2 items
  7. AIRCO SPEER ELX 12 items
  8. Allen Bradley 6 items
  9. ALLEN-BRADLEY 1 item
  10. Alpha Taiwan 1 item
  11. Alpha Circuits 1 item
  12. Amperex 1 item
  13. Amphenol 1 item
  14. ASIA 1 item
  15. Arcol 2 items
  16. AVX/Kyocera 3 items
  17. Angstrom, Inc. 1 item
  18. ANGSTROHM 1 item
  19. Atohm Electronics 5 items
  20. Beau Interconnect System/Vernitron 1 item
  21. BECKMAN 8 items
  22. Bird 1 item
  23. BI (BECKMAN) 30 items
  24. Bendix 1 item
  25. Bourns 320 items
  26. BEC OHM 8 items
  27. BEI 5 items
  28. BI TECH 17 items
  29. BEI Technologies, Inc 2 items
  30. BC Comp 3 items
  31. BOURN 1 item
  32. BI 2 items
  33. BEMAN 1 item
  34. Beyschlag 11 items
  35. BORG 2 items
  36. Borg/Micropot 1 item
  37. Cables To Go 1 item
  38. Cal-Chip 14 items
  39. CAL-R 2 items
  40. Caddock Electronics Inc 7 items
  41. CAL-R2I136 1 item
  42. BOURNS INC 1 item
  43. Brel International Inc 1 item
  44. Caddock Electronics Inc, OR 4 items
  45. CAL 1 item
  46. CADDOCK 3 items
  47. Bradford Electronics 1 item
  48. CGW 15 items
  49. Centralab 9 items
  50. Clarostat 62 items
  51. CLARO 3 items
  52. Corning Glass Works/Vishay 12 items
  53. CIRCUITRIM 1 item
  54. CORNING 4 items
  55. Copal 9 items
  56. CLARK 1 item
  57. CRC 2 items
  58. CRL 6 items
  59. CTS 61 items
  60. CTG 13 items
  61. CW 1 item
  62. Dale 455 items
  63. DALLAS 3 items
  64. DAYSTROM 2 items
  65. DALOHM 1 item
  66. ECI 1 item
  67. EDMAR 3 items
  68. Duncan Electronic Inc 1 item
  69. Edmar Electronics 1 item
  71. ELECTRA 1 item
  72. ETI Inc 3 items
  73. ETI Systems 3 items
  74. ERN 1 item
  75. General Electric 5 items
  78. GLO OHM 1 item
  79. Gould 2 items
  80. HAMILTON-HALL INC 1 item
  81. HEI 9 items
  82. Helipot Corp 6 items
  83. HONEYWELL 1 item
  84. Herbach & Rademan Inc 1 item
  85. Helitrim 7 items
  86. HDK 1 item
  87. IND BRAS 1 item
  88. INTERSIL 1 item
  89. IRC 46 items
  91. KNOBS INC - Berkeley 1 item
  92. KANTHAL GLOBAR 1 item
  93. Isabellenhutte 1 item
  94. KELVIN 10 items
  95. KIKUSHIN DENKI 1 item
  96. KEVLIN 1 item
  97. KDI 1 item
  98. KOA Speer 161 items
  99. KYOCERA 2 items
  100. MAJOR 10 items
  101. Mallory 13 items
  102. Mallory Capacitor Co 1 item
  103. M/E 2 items
  104. Matsushita 12 items
  105. MICRO NETWORKS 3 items
  106. MEMCOR 45 items
  107. Mepco 11 items
  108. Mepco/Electra 9 items
  109. Mepco/Centralab 6 items
  110. MCGUIRE 1 item
  111. Memcor & Dale 1 item
  112. Mepco+ Philips 1 item
  113. Milwaukee 18 items
  114. Motorola 2 items
  115. MILITARY 4 items
  116. MORGANITE 2 items
  117. Mini Systems 6 items
  118. MIYAGAWA DENGU 1 item
  119. Texas Instruments 1 item
  120. Murata Erie 1 item
  121. MSI 2 items
  122. MRC 1 item
  123. MURATA 1 item
  124. MRC. 7 items
  125. MOUSER 1 item
  127. Murata Mfg Co Ltd 1 item
  128. NATIONAL RESISTOR 2 items
  129. NOBLE 8 items
  130. NIC COMPONENTS CORP 8 items
  131. Philips 145 items
  132. NIPPON 1 item
  133. Nikko (Dunbar) 2 items
  134. Noble Electronics Inc 1 item
  135. NEW ENGLAND INST 1 item
  136. NRC 1 item
  138. Ohmite 1079 items
  139. PHMITE 1 item
  140. Ohmite/Davidohm 5 items
  141. Philco 6 items
  142. Panasonic/Matsushita 68 items
  143. Panasonic 8 items
  144. PACCOM ELX 7 items
  145. PEC Canada 7 items
  146. Pacific 2 items
  147. PFR 2 items
  148. PIHER 9 items
  150. RAI 3 items
  151. PRP Inc 2 items
  152. RCA 1 item
  153. Samsung 2 items
  154. ROHM 36 items
  155. RCL 42 items
  156. RES INC 6 items
  157. SAGE 2 items
  158. RCD 3 items
  159. RG ALLEN 1 item
  160. Reidon Inc 3 items
  161. REON 1 item
  162. SAKAE 1 item
  163. ROCKWOOD 1 item
  164. RCD COMPONENTS 3 items
  165. RPC. 1 item
  166. SEI 60 items
  167. SHALLCROSS MFG 1 item
  168. SERVO 1 item
  169. SINGAPORE NOBLE 1 item
  170. Sprague 2 items
  171. Spectrol 15 items
  173. SMTEK 8 items
  174. STACKPOLE 44 items
  175. STATE-ART 2 items
  176. Sterlco 11 items
  177. SUSUMU CO LTD 31 items
  178. TEL LABS 2 items
  179. TEPRO 2 items
  180. TECHNO 3 items
  181. TOCOS COMPONENTS 1 item
  182. TRW 31 items
  183. TRU-OHM 25 items
  184. TTI 1 item
  185. TRIMPOT 10 items
  186. UNION RESISTOR 2 items
  187. TT Electronics - Semelab 4 items
  188. UTAH 2 items
  189. Vamistor Corp 3 items
  190. Vishay / Dale Electronics 110 items
  191. Ward Leonard 749 items
  192. VRN International 17 items
  193. Victoreen 19 items
  194. Vishay 94 items
  195. Vishay/Ohmtek 2 items
  196. Vishay/Ohmite 1 item
  197. Vishay/BC Components 1 item
  198. VENKEL 1 item
  199. VENKEL LTD 5 items
  200. VRN 2 items
  201. Vishay/Angstrohm Precision Inc 27 items
  202. Vishay Beychlag 5 items
  203. Vishay/Sernice 1 item
  204. WELWYN 2 items
  205. Yageo 16 items
  206. WILRITE 2 items
  207. XICOR 5 items
  208. XICON 3 items
Unit of Measure  
$0 $470 $0 to $470
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Items 1-24 of 4848

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  1. Vishay - CRCW06035R10JNEA - Resistor, SMD. 5.1 Ohm 0.1W. Package of 4.8K.
    Vishay - CRCW06035R10JNEA - Resistor, SMD. 5.1 Ohm 0.1W. Package of 4.8K.
    Resistor, thick film. Resistance: 5.1 Ohm. Power: 100mW (0.1 watt / 1/10 watt). Tolerance: 5%. Case: 0603 SMD. New. Note: One new cut 7" manufactures reel approximately 4850 Pcs. Learn More
  2. IRC - EPA25/25R - Resistor, ceramic. 25 Ohm 50W Adj.
    IRC - EPA25/25R - Resistor, ceramic. 25 Ohm 50W Adj.
    Resistor, ceramic. Resistance: 25 Ohm. Power: 50 watt. Adjustable. Tubular. Technology: wirewound. Dimensions: 0.962" D x 4.536" long. Radial lug. Each with mount feet. New. Learn More
  3. WARD LEONARD - A745-35-14 - Resistor, ceramic. 0.1 Ohm 500W.
    WARD LEONARD - A745-35-14 - Resistor, ceramic. 0.1 Ohm 500W.
    Resistor, ceramic. Resistance: 0.1 Ohm. Power: 500 watt.Tapped. Ribbed. Technology: wirewound. Enamel coated. Dimensions: 1.704" D x 10.5" long. Overall with ribs 1.905" Diameter. 3 Radial lug. Note: Alt P/N: K43587-0.1WL. Learn More
  4. WARD LEONARD - RWR75W0.067 - Resistor, ceramic. 0.067 Ohm 75W.
    WARD LEONARD - RWR75W0.067 - Resistor, ceramic. 0.067 Ohm 75W.
    Special Price $8.98 Regular Price $12.95

    WARD LEONARD - RWR75W0.067 - Resistor, Ceramic.

    Resistance: 0.067 Ohm.

    Power: 75 watt.


    Technology: Wirewound.

    Enamel coated.

    Dimemsions: 0.767" D x 3.5" long.

    Radial Lug.

    Learn More
  5. WARD LEONARD - RWR300W0.035 - Resistor, ceramic. 0.035 Ohm 300W Tapped.
    WARD LEONARD - RWR300W0.035 - Resistor, ceramic. 0.035 Ohm 300W Tapped.
    Resistor, ceramic. Resistance: 0.035 Ohm. Power: 300 watt. Tapped. Ribbed. Technology: wirewound. Enamel coated. Dimensions: 1.15" D x 8.5" long. 3 Radial lug. Marked 77869-X. Learn More
  6. WARD LEONARD - RWR240W0.15 - D61/2RFV201T2-0.6 - Resistor, Ceramic Ribflex, 0.15 Ohm 240W.
    WARD LEONARD - RWR240W0.15 - D61/2RFV201T2-0.6 - Resistor, Ceramic Ribflex, 0.15 Ohm 240W.
    Special Price $38.98 Regular Price $44.98

    WARD LEONARD - RWR240W0.15 Resistor, Ceramic RibFlex.

    Resistance: 0.15 Ohm.

    Power: 240 watt.

    Technology: Wirewound.

    Enamel Coated.

    Temperature: 375 C

    Dimensions: 1.130" Diameter x 6.5" Length.

    Radial Lug.

    New Old Stock - Made in USA

    Learn More
  7. WARD LEONARD - RWR120W0.1 - Resistor, ceramic. 0.1 Ohm 120W.
    WARD LEONARD - RWR120W0.1 - Resistor, ceramic. 0.1 Ohm 120W.
    Special Price $16.98 Regular Price $20.00
    Resistor, ceramic. Resistance: 0.1 Ohm. Power: 120 watt. Ribbed. Technology: wirewound. Enamel coated. Dimensions: 1" D x 4" long. Radial lug. Learn More
  8. WARD LEONARD - RWR120W0.04 - Resistor, ceramic. 0.04 Ohm 120W.
    WARD LEONARD - RWR120W0.04 - Resistor, ceramic. 0.04 Ohm 120W.
    Special Price $16.98 Regular Price $20.00
    Resistor, ceramic. Resistance: 0.04 Ohm. Power: 120 watt. Ribbed. Technology: wirewound. Enamel coated. Dimensions: 1" D x 4" long. Radial lug. Learn More
  9. WARD LEONARD - RWR110W0.04 - Resistor, ceramic. 0.04 Ohm 110W.
    WARD LEONARD - RWR110W0.04 - Resistor, ceramic. 0.04 Ohm 110W.
    Special Price $12.98 Regular Price $16.50
    Resistor, ceramic. Resistance: 0.04 Ohm. Power: 110 watt. Ribbed. Technology: wirewound. Enamel coated. Dimensions: 0.784" D x 4-7/16" long. Radial lug. Learn More
  10. WARD LEONARD - RWR110W0.04 - Resistor, ceramic. 0.04 Ohm 110W.
    WARD LEONARD - RWR110W0.04 - Resistor, ceramic. 0.04 Ohm 110W.
    Special Price $12.98 Regular Price $16.50
    Resistor, ceramic. Resistance: 0.04 Ohm. Power: 110 watt. Ribbed. Technology: wirewound. Enamel coated. Dimensions: 1" D x 4" long. Radial lug. Learn More
  11. WARD LEONARD - RWF50W0.15 - Resistor, ceramic. 0.15 Ohm 30W.
    WARD LEONARD - RWF50W0.15 - Resistor, ceramic. 0.15 Ohm 30W.
    Special Price $5.98 Regular Price $7.00
    Resistor, ceramic. Resistance: 0.15 Ohm. Power: 30 watt. Technology: wirewound. enamel coated. Dimensions: 0.656" D x 4-1/16" long. Radial lug. Note: Marked 50/30F0.15 Ohm. Learn More
  12. WARD LEONARD - RWF12W0.126 - Resistor, ceramic. 0.126 Ohm 12W.
    WARD LEONARD - RWF12W0.126 - Resistor, ceramic. 0.126 Ohm 12W.
    Resistor, ceramic. Resistance: 0.126 Ohm. Power: 12 watt. Technology: wirewound. Enamel coated. Dimensions: 0.508" D x 1.5" long. Radial lug. Learn More
  13. WARD LEONARD - RWR50W0.132 - Resistor, ceramic. 0.132 Ohm 50W.
    WARD LEONARD - RWR50W0.132 - Resistor, ceramic. 0.132 Ohm 50W.
    Special Price $6.98 Regular Price $12.00
    Resistor, ceramic. Resistance: 0.132 Ohm. Power: 50 watt. Ribbed. Technology: wirewound. Enamel coated. Dimensions: 0.796" D x 3.5" long. Overall with hardware 5-5/16" long x 2" wide x 2" high. Radial lugs with screws. Complete with mount feet. Note: Marked 77869-S. Learn More
  14. Vishay / Dale Electronics - RS01A00R15FB12 - Resistor. 0.15 Ohm 1W 1%.
    Vishay / Dale Electronics - RS01A00R15FB12 - Resistor. 0.15 Ohm 1W 1%.
    Resistor. Resistance: 0.15 Ohm. Power: 1 watt. Tolerance: 1%. Technology: wirewound. Package: High temperature silicon molded, axial leads. More info: Learn More
  15. Vishay / Dale Electronics - CRCW1206-000JRT1 - Resistor, SMD. ZERO Ohm 1/4W 1%. Package of 200.
    Vishay / Dale Electronics - CRCW1206-000JRT1 - Resistor, SMD. ZERO Ohm 1/4W 1%. Package of 200.
    Resistor, thick film. Resistance: Zero Ohm. Power: 0.25 watt. Tolerance: 1%. Package: SMD chip 1206. Package of approximately 200, one cut manufactures reel. Learn More
  16. Vishay - LVR03R1000FB12 - Resistor, Power. 0.100 Ohm 3W Wirewound.
    Vishay - LVR03R1000FB12 - Resistor, Power. 0.100 Ohm 3W Wirewound.
    Special Price $2.98 Regular Price $3.50 As low as $1.98

    Vishay - LVR03R1000FB12 - Resistor, Power.

    Resistance: 0.100 Ohm.

    Power: 3 watt.

    Tolerance: 1%.

    Technology: Wirewound.

    Package: axial leads.

    Military MIL-PRF-49465,

    Type LVR.

    Ideal for all types of current sensing applications including switching and linear power supplies, instruments and power amplifiers - Proprietary processing technique produces extremely low resistance values- Excellent load life stability - Low temperature coefficient - Low inductance- Cooler operation for high power to size ratio.

    Learn More
  17. WARD LEONARD - 7X0.125 - Resistor, ceramic. 0.125 Ohm 7W. Package of 5.
    WARD LEONARD - 7X0.125 - Resistor, ceramic. 0.125 Ohm 7W. Package of 5.
    Resistor, ceramic. Resistance: 0.125 Ohm. Power 7 Watt. Technology: wirewound. Package: axial leads. Package of 5. Learn More
  18. WARD LEONARD - 7SX0.1 - Resistor, ceramic. 0.1 Ohm 7W. Package of 5.
    WARD LEONARD - 7SX0.1 - Resistor, ceramic. 0.1 Ohm 7W. Package of 5.
    Resistor, ceramic. Resistance: 0.1 Ohm. Power 7 Watt. Tolerance: 1%. Technology: wirewound. Package: axial leads. Package of 5. Learn More
  19. WARD LEONARD - 482A444CDP2 - Resistor, ceramic. 0.1 Ohm 25W.
    WARD LEONARD - 482A444CDP2 - Resistor, ceramic. 0.1 Ohm 25W.
    Resistor, ceramic. Resistance: 0.1 Ohm. Power: approximately 25 watt. Ribbed. Technology: wirewound. Enamel coated. Dimensions: 0.616" D x 2" long. Radial lugs. Note: Also marked 63743. Learn More
  20. WARD LEONARD - 482A444AA2 - Resistor, ceramic. 0.15 Ohm 35W.
    WARD LEONARD - 482A444AA2 - Resistor, ceramic. 0.15 Ohm 35W.
    Resistor, ceramic. Resistance: 0.15 Ohm. Power: 35 watt. Technology: wirewound. Enamel coated. Dimensions: 0.646" D x 4" long. Radial lugs. Note: Marked 50/35F0.15 Ohm. Learn More
  21. WARD LEONARD - 401551-4A - Resistor, ceramic. 0.1 ohm 100W.
    WARD LEONARD - 401551-4A - Resistor, ceramic. 0.1 ohm 100W.
    Special Price $2.21 Regular Price $2.95
    Resistor, ceramic. Resistance: 0.1 Ohm. Power: approximately 100 watt. Technology: wirewound. Enamel coated / Ribbed. Mount: panel, feet not included. Dimensions: 1-1/2" D x 3-1/2" long. Learn More
  22. Unidentified MFG - CW5/0.05 - Resistor. 0.05 Ohm 5W. Package of 5.
    Unidentified MFG - CW5/0.05 - Resistor. 0.05 Ohm 5W. Package of 5.
    Resistor, power. Resistance: 0.05 Ohm. Power: 5 watt. tolerance: 10%. Material: sandstone. Technology: wirewound. Package of 5. Learn More
  23. Unidentified MFG - 77869V - Resistor, power. 0.066 Ohm. Many watts.
    Unidentified MFG - 77869V - Resistor, power. 0.066 Ohm. Many watts.
    Resistor, power. 0.066 Ohm. Many watts. Material: ceramic/ribbed edgewound. Technology: wirewound. Enamel coated, green. Dimensions: 1-1/8" D x 4-1/4" long with two 1/2" lugs for 1/4" screw. Learn More
  24. Unidentified MFG - 5402843 - Resistor, ceramic. 0.07 Ohm 90W. Adj.
    Unidentified MFG - 5402843 - Resistor, ceramic. 0.07 Ohm 90W. Adj.
    Resistor, ceramic. Resistance: 0.07 Ohm. Power: 90 watt. Adjustable. Enamel coated, ribbed. Technology: wirewound. Mount: panel, feet not included. Dimensions: overall with slider, 1" D x 4" long. Contacts. lug. Learn More
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Items 1-24 of 4848

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