
  1. Manufacturer DELCO/GM Remove This Item
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  1. !@ 7 items
  2. Unmarked 154 items
  3. A 1 item
  4. Hitachi 17 items
  5. NEC Corporation 20 items
  6. ST Microelectronics 81 items
  7. AEG 1 item
  8. Advanced Power Technology 1 item
  9. Allen Bradley - AB 1 item
  10. CCUB'USAF 1 item
  11. Alpha Indust 1 item
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  48. D 1 item
  49. CSI 2 items
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  51. DELCO 5 items
  52. DELCO/GM 10 items
  53. DII 5 items
  54. DIT 1 item
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  56. EDI 1 item
  57. Elx Transi 1 item
  58. DYNEX 1 item
  59. DM COLOR VISION 1 item
  60. FAIRCHILD 105 items
  61. ETCO 12 items
  62. ETC INC 1 item
  63. F 6 items
  64. ESE 2 items
  65. Fairchild semiconductor corportion 3 items
  66. EUPEC 3 items
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  70. Fairchild Semiconductor. 3 items
  71. FB WRIGHT 1 item
  72. FUJITSU 2 items
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  74. GE/NAT 1 item
  75. GE/RCA 14 items
  76. Fuji Electric 21 items
  77. G 7 items
  78. FEC 2 items
  79. FSC 2 items
  80. FRD 3 items
  81. FIRCHILD 1 item
  82. General Instruments 5 items
  83. GM/DELCO 9 items
  84. General Semiconductor 1 item
  85. Harris Corp 58 items
  86. GTC INC 3 items
  87. GPD 1 item
  88. Hewlett Packard 4 items
  89. HOLLAND 1 item
  90. HIT/RCA 1 item
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  92. ID 4 items
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  94. INFINEON 4 items
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  98. ITT+ROHM 1 item
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  103. KSC SEMI CORP. 1 item
  104. KRC 2 items
  105. KS 1 item
  106. Linear Integrated Systems 1 item
  107. MAJOR 20 items
  108. LPT 2 items
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  110. National Semiconductor Corp 24 items
  111. Mallory Capacitor Co 1 item
  112. Matsushita 14 items
  113. MAXIM 1 item
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  158. RAYTHEON 6 items
  159. R 1 item
  160. RAY/CRP 4 items
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  165. S 12 items
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  255. Zenith 1 item
  256. Zeltex 3 items
  257. Zetex 14 items
  258. WT 1 item
  259. Zeltek (FRD) 2 items
  260. WW. 1 item
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  1. DELCO/GM - 2N278 HOUSE - Transistor, PNP.  House Part Number 5490810, TO-36 Germanium.
    DELCO/GM - 2N278 HOUSE - Transistor, PNP. House Part Number 5490810, TO-36 Germanium.
    Special Price $9.98 Regular Price $16.50 As low as $7.98

    Delco/GM 2N278 Transistor, PNP. Germanium

    Max Voltage: 45VCEO, 50VCBO.

    Max Current: 15 Amp.

    Dissipation: 170 watt.

    Package: TO-36. P/N: 2N278 House Numbered 5490810.

    Note: Germanium, 1MHz.

    New Old Stock

    Replaces/Alternates/Substitutions: ECG 330, 2N4052, 2N5053, MP4052, MP4053Cross-Reference Search Result (Equivalent Transistors)

    Cross-Reference Search Result (Equivalent Transistors)

    ↓ Type Mat       Struct   Pc          Vcb       Vce       Veb       Ic            Tj           Ft           Hfe        Caps

    2N278 Germ       PNP      170        50          30          30          15          100        0.2         35       TO36

    2N4052 Germ    PNP      170        60          45          30          50          110        0.24       120       TO36

    2N4053 Germ    PNP      170        75          60          40          50          110        0.24       120       TO36

    MP4052 Germ   PNP      170        60          45          30          50          110        0.24       120        TO36

    MP4053 Germ   PNP      170        75          60          40          50          110        0.24       120        TO36

    Learn More
  2. DELCO/GM - DTS720 - Transistor, NPN. P/N: DTS720.
    DELCO/GM - DTS720 - Transistor, NPN. P/N: DTS720.
    Transistor, NPN. Max voltage: 1000VCEO. Max current: 3Amp. Dissipation: 50 Watt. Package: TO-3 steel. P/N: DTS720. Note: Silicon. Learn More
  3. DELCO/GM - DTS712 - Transistor, NPN. P/N: DTS712.
    DELCO/GM - DTS712 - Transistor, NPN. P/N: DTS712.
    Transistor, NPN. Max voltage: 900VCEO. Max current: 3Amp. Dissipation: 50 Watt. Package: TO-3 steel. P/N: DTS712. Note: Silicon. Learn More
  4. DELCO/GM - DTG2400 - Transistor, NPN. P/N: DTG2400.
    DELCO/GM - DTG2400 - Transistor, NPN. P/N: DTG2400.
    Transistor, NPN. Max voltage: 120V. Max current: 15Amp. Dissipation: 60 watt. Package: TO-3 steel. P/N: DTG2400. Note: Germanium. Learn More
  5. DELCO/GM - 1850-0176 - Transistor, PNP. HP P/N: 1850-0176, 2N1073.
    DELCO/GM - 1850-0176 - Transistor, PNP. HP P/N: 1850-0176, 2N1073.
    Transistor, PNP. Voltage: 40V. Current: 5Amp. Marked: 2N1073. Package: TO-3 (TO-204var) steel. Note: Germanium. Learn More
  6. DELCO/GM - DTS411 - Transistor, NPN. P/N: DTS411. Used.
    DELCO/GM - DTS411 - Transistor, NPN. P/N: DTS411. Used.
    Transistor, NPN. Max voltage: 300V. Max current: 3.5Amp. Dissipation: 100 watt. Package: TO-3 steel with cut 1/8" leads. P/N: DTS411. Note: Silicon. Used/Removed from equipment. Learn More
  7. Delco/GM - DTS425 - Transistor, NPN. P/N: DTS425.
    Delco/GM - DTS425 - Transistor, NPN. P/N: DTS425.
    Special Price $12.95 Regular Price $17.95
    Transistor, NPN. Max voltage: 400V. Max current: 3.5Amp. Dissipation: 100 watt. Package: TO-3 steel. P/N: DTS425. Note: Silicon. Learn More
  8. DELCO/GM - 2N2492 - Transistor, PNP. P/N: 2N2492.
    DELCO/GM - 2N2492 - Transistor, PNP. P/N: 2N2492.
    Transistor, PNP. Max voltage: 60VCEO, 65VCBO. Package: TO-36. P/N: 2N2492. Note: Germanium. Learn More
  9. DELCO/GM - DTS-708 - Transistor, NPN.
    DELCO/GM - DTS-708 - Transistor, NPN.
    Transistor, NPN. Max voltage: 900V. Max current: 3Amp. Dissipation: 50 watt. Package: TO-3 steel. New. P/N: DTS-708. Note: Silicon. High Voltage. Learn More
  10. DELCO/GM - 2N1358 - Transistor, PNP. P/N: 2N1358. Used.
    DELCO/GM - 2N1358 - Transistor, PNP. P/N: 2N1358. Used.
    Transistor, PNP. Package: TO-36. P/N: 2N1358. Note: Germanium. Note: Used/Removed from equipment. Learn More
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