
Common Wattage  
Sub Identifier  
Output Type  
Max Current  
  1. !@ 7 items
  2. Unmarked 154 items
  3. A 1 item
  4. Hitachi 17 items
  5. NEC Corporation 20 items
  6. ST Microelectronics 81 items
  7. AEG 1 item
  8. Advanced Power Technology 1 item
  9. Allen Bradley - AB 1 item
  10. CCUB'USAF 1 item
  11. Alpha Indust 1 item
  12. Amperex 6 items
  13. AMC 1 item
  14. Amelco/Teledyne 1 item
  15. Ampex 14 items
  16. Ampower 2 items
  17. ASIA 13 items
  18. Avantek 1 item
  19. API CDHS 1 item
  20. ASI 2 items
  21. API 1 item
  22. Bivar Inc 2 items
  23. Bendix 5 items
  24. Boca Semiconductor Corp 2 items
  25. C 1 item
  26. Central Semi 3 items
  27. CEN 2 items
  28. CCSX 3 items
  29. CDTO 6 items
  30. CGG 1 item
  31. CDBS 2 items
  32. CBS 3 items
  33. CDAQTSC 1 item
  34. CDEZ 6 items
  35. CDAQ 2 items
  36. CDEZ/SPC 1 item
  37. CEI 1 item
  38. CDTF 1 item
  39. CLAIREX 1 item
  40. CQN 3 items
  41. CIT 2 items
  42. COTO 1 item
  43. Clevite 3 items
  44. CLC 1 item
  45. CITP 1 item
  46. CRP 2 items
  47. CRYSTALONICS 1 item
  48. D 1 item
  49. CSI 2 items
  50. CR 1 item
  51. DELCO 5 items
  52. DELCO/GM 10 items
  53. DII 5 items
  54. DIT 1 item
  55. EFE 1 item
  56. EDI 1 item
  57. Elx Transi 1 item
  58. DYNEX 1 item
  59. DM COLOR VISION 1 item
  60. FAIRCHILD 105 items
  61. ETCO 12 items
  62. ETC INC 1 item
  63. F 6 items
  64. ESE 2 items
  65. Fairchild semiconductor corportion 3 items
  66. EUPEC 3 items
  67. Everlight 2 items
  68. ET 2 items
  69. FCE 1 item
  70. Fairchild Semiconductor. 3 items
  71. FB WRIGHT 1 item
  72. FUJITSU 2 items
  73. General Electric 82 items
  74. GE/NAT 1 item
  75. GE/RCA 14 items
  76. Fuji Electric 21 items
  77. G 7 items
  78. FEC 2 items
  79. FSC 2 items
  80. FRD 3 items
  81. FIRCHILD 1 item
  82. General Instruments 5 items
  83. GM/DELCO 9 items
  84. General Semiconductor 1 item
  85. Harris Corp 58 items
  86. GTC INC 3 items
  87. GPD 1 item
  88. Hewlett Packard 4 items
  89. HOLLAND 1 item
  90. HIT/RCA 1 item
  91. HE 1 item
  92. ID 4 items
  93. I 2 items
  94. INFINEON 4 items
  95. INTERSIL 13 items
  96. IR 82 items
  97. ITT 4 items
  98. ITT+ROHM 1 item
  99. IXYS 6 items
  100. KEC 2 items
  101. KSC 2 items
  102. Lambda 12 items
  103. KSC SEMI CORP. 1 item
  104. KRC 2 items
  105. KS 1 item
  106. Linear Integrated Systems 1 item
  107. MAJOR 20 items
  108. LPT 2 items
  109. LTE 3 items
  110. National Semiconductor Corp 24 items
  111. Mallory Capacitor Co 1 item
  112. Matsushita 14 items
  113. MAXIM 1 item
  114. Micropower 1 item
  115. MICROSEMI 1 item
  116. MICRO POWER 1 item
  117. MEDL 1 item
  118. MISC 2 items
  119. Mitsubishi 6 items
  120. MOT/TI 1 item
  121. MIX 1 item
  122. Motorola 705 items
  123. MILITARY 1 item
  124. Mini Systems 1 item
  125. MOT/CRP 1 item
  126. MOT 3 items
  127. Motorola Inc 3 items
  128. Texas Instruments 90 items
  129. NAT 11 items
  132. NAT/FAIR 1 item
  133. NEC 2 items
  134. NES 4 items
  135. NJS 3 items
  136. NES/CESE 1 item
  137. NES-CESE 2 items
  138. NTE Electronics Inc. 45 items
  139. Philips 39 items
  140. NTE Electronics Inc 6 items
  141. NTE 3 items
  142. NXP Semiconductors 4 items
  143. O 1 item
  144. Optek 1 item
  145. ON SEMI 14 items
  146. On Semi/Motorola 1 item
  147. ON SEMICONDUCTOR 2 items
  148. Philco 11 items
  149. Panasonic/Matsushita 4 items
  150. Panasonic 1 item
  151. PECOR 1 item
  152. Sylvania 5 items
  153. PMI 1 item
  154. Powerex. 24 items
  155. RAY 2 items
  157. RAYTHEON. 27 items
  158. RAYTHEON 6 items
  159. R 1 item
  160. RAY/CRP 4 items
  161. PTC 1 item
  162. POWEREX 1 item
  163. RCA 153 items
  164. Samsung 9 items
  165. S 12 items
  166. ROHM 25 items
  167. RCA/SIG 1 item
  168. RP 2 items
  169. RCA/STC 1 item
  170. RFG 1 item
  171. RPX 1 item
  172. RCA/MOT 1 item
  173. SES 7 items
  174. Sanyo 12 items
  175. SGS-THOMPSON 4 items
  176. Sanken 9 items
  177. SCS 1 item
  178. SENSITRON 1 item
  179. SANREX 2 items
  180. SEMICOA 1 item
  181. SCA 3 items
  182. SEC 4 items
  183. Semiconductor Technology Inc 7 items
  184. SHARP 1 item
  185. SCI 3 items
  186. SEMI INC. 1 item
  187. SEMI TECH 1 item
  188. Shindengen America 1 item
  189. SGS 4 items
  190. SHINDENGEN? 1 item
  191. SEM 1 item
  192. SES/SCA 1 item
  193. SGS THOMPSON 2 items
  194. SGS THOMP 1 item
  195. SIG 1 item
  196. Siemens 15 items
  197. Siliconix 65 items
  198. SIGNETICS 1 item
  199. Silicon General/Microsemi 4 items
  200. SILCONIX 3 items
  201. SK 2 items
  202. SILICON GEN 5 items
  203. SK SERIES 3 items
  204. SSS 1 item
  205. ST 5 items
  206. Solitron 24 items
  207. SPC 6 items
  208. Sprague 16 items
  209. SSI 1 item
  210. SPC/CDEZ 2 items
  211. Solid State Devices Inc 7 items
  212. SPECTRONICS 1 item
  213. SPI 1 item
  214. STS 2 items
  215. SUPERTEX 16 items
  216. STC 10 items
  217. SUMITOMO 1 item
  218. STT 1 item
  219. STC/CCSX 4 items
  220. STI/CCSX 1 item
  221. STC CCSX 1 item
  222. STR 1 item
  223. STL 1 item
  224. STT(?) 2 items
  225. SYNERTEK 9 items
  226. Teledyne 10 items
  227. Tektronix 14 items
  228. T 3 items
  229. T/CCAB 1 item
  230. Teccor 2 items
  231. SYNERTEC 2 items
  232. Tenna 2 items
  233. TCG 1 item
  234. Toshiba 36 items
  235. TFK 1 item
  236. THOMSON CSF 1 item
  237. TI/ST 1 item
  238. Thermalloy/Aavid 1 item
  239. Transistor Electronics Corp 1 item
  240. THOMPSON 1 item
  241. TI/MOT/RCA 1 item
  242. TYCO/ M/A-COM 1 item
  243. Unitrode 13 items
  244. TRW 9 items
  245. TUNG-SOL 1 item
  246. TZ 1 item
  247. TS 1 item
  248. TSR 1 item
  250. UPI 1 item
  251. UST 1 item
  252. Vishay 3 items
  253. Western Electric 1 item
  254. Westinghouse 21 items
  255. Zenith 1 item
  256. Zeltex 3 items
  257. Zetex 14 items
  258. WT 1 item
  259. Zeltek (FRD) 2 items
  260. WW. 1 item
$30 $75000 $30 to $75000
Unit of Measure  
$0 $750 $0 to $750
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Items 97-120 of 2757

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  1. MicroChip - Microsemi - APTM50HM38FG - 4 N-Channel Full-Bridge MOSFET Power Module, 4N-CH 500V, 90A
    MicroChip - Microsemi - APTM50HM38FG - 4 N-Channel Full-Bridge MOSFET Power Module, 4N-CH 500V, 90A
    Special Price $189.98 Regular Price $285.00 As low as $169.98

    MicroChip - Microsemi - APTM50HM38FG - 4 N-Channel Full-Bridge MOSFET Power Module

    Trans MOSFET Array Dual N-CH 500V 90A 12-Pin Case SP6


    Mount: Chassis Mount, Screw

    Number of Contacts: 6

    Continuous Drain Current: (ID) 90 A

    Drain to Source Voltage: (Vdss) 500 V

    Fall Time: 77 ns

    Gate to Source Voltage (Vgs): 30 V

    Input Capacitance: 1.2 nF

    Operating Temperature: -40 C to 150 °C

    Max Power Dissipation: 694 W

    Number of Elements: 4

    Power Dissipation: 694 W

    Rds On Max: 45 mΩ

    Rise Time: 35 ns

    Turn-Off Delay Time: 87 ns

    Turn-On Delay Time: 18 ns

    Approximate Dimensions: See Attached Detailed Diagram

    RoHS Compliant

    Does not include mounting hardware.

    Additional Information:

    Applications: Welding converters, Switched Mode Power Supplies, Uninterruptible Power Supplies, Motor control

    Note: Microsemi Corporation is a wholly owned subsidiary of Microchip Technology Inc.


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  2. Powerex - CM1000HA-24H - Power IGBT Transistor Module, Single 1000 Amp 1200V. New.
    Powerex - CM1000HA-24H - Power IGBT Transistor Module, Single 1000 Amp 1200V. New.
    Special Price $269.98 Regular Price $495.00

    Powerex CM1000HA-25H Power Transistor Module IGBT, 1000 Amp 1200V. Single module.

    Collector Emitter Breakdown Voltage: 1.2 kV

    Collector Emitter Voltage (VCEO): 3.6 V

    Element Configuration: Single

    Input: Standard

    Input Capacitance: 200 nF

    Max Collector Current: 1 kA

    Max Power Dissipation: 5.8 kW

    Compliance: RoHS Compliant     

    Applications: AC motor control. Motion/Servo Control. Uninterruptible power supplies, Welding power supplies. Laser power supplies. Module Case, With Hardware.


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  3. Westinghouse - KS224510 - Transistors, darlington. Module.
    Westinghouse - KS224510 - Transistors, darlington. Module.
    Transistors, darlington. Single 100Amp 450V. Case: module. Learn More
  4. Unidentified MFG - PN3646 - Transistor, NPN. P/N: PN3646.
    Unidentified MFG - PN3646 - Transistor, NPN. P/N: PN3646.
    Transistor, NPN. Max voltage: 15VCEO, 40VCBO. Max current: 300mA. Dissipation: 350mW. Package: TO-92 plastic. P/N: PN3646. Operating temperature: -55 to 150 Deg C. Note: Switching. Learn More
  5. Unidentified MFG - MPS6531 - Transistor, NPN. Lot of 10
    Unidentified MFG - MPS6531 - Transistor, NPN. Lot of 10
    Special Price $2.49 Regular Price $3.00

    MPS6531 Transistor, NPN.

    Voltage: 40VCEO, 60VCBO.

    Current: 1Amp.

    Dissipation: 625mW.

    Operating temperature: -55 to 150 Deg C.

    Package: TO-92, plastic.

    Note: Silicon.

    Unmarked device, guaranteed.

    Lot of 10

    Learn More
  6. Unidentified MFG - ERS263 - Transistor, NPN. P/N: ERS263TJ/2SD1190.
    Unidentified MFG - ERS263 - Transistor, NPN. P/N: ERS263TJ/2SD1190.
    Transistor, NPN. Voltage: 60VCEO, 70VCBO. Current: 6 Amp. Dissipation: 30 watt. Operating temperature: -55 to 150 Deg C. House numbered: ERS263TJ. Package: TO-220. Note: Silicon darlington epitaxial planar. May replace: 2SD1190. Learn More
  7. Unidentified MFG - GSRU20040 - Transistor, NPN. P/N: GSRU20040.
    Unidentified MFG - GSRU20040 - Transistor, NPN. P/N: GSRU20040.
    Transistor, NPN. Max voltage: 400VCEO, 500VCBO. Max current: 20 Amp. Dissipation: 114 watt. Package: TO-3 (TO-204) steel. P/N: GSRU20040. Note: Silicon, low frequency. Military. High Voltage. Learn More
  8. Unidentified MFG - 2N5810 HOUSE - Transistor, NPN. House# 180-1. Package of 10.
    Unidentified MFG - 2N5810 HOUSE - Transistor, NPN. House# 180-1. Package of 10.
    Special Price $6.98 Regular Price $8.50

    2N5810 HOUSE - Transistor, NPN. Small Signal Transistor.

    Max voltage: 25VCEO, 35VCBO.

    Max current: 750mA.

    Dissipation: 625mW.

    Package: TO-92 Plastic. P

    House# 180-1.

    Operating/Storage Temperature: -55 to 150 Deg C.

    Note: Silicon Planar Epitaxial.

    Noew Old Stock

    Package of 10.

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  9. Unidentified MFG - 2N5770 - Transistor, NPN. 15VCEO, 30VCBO, 50mA, TO-92
    Unidentified MFG - 2N5770 - Transistor, NPN. 15VCEO, 30VCBO, 50mA, TO-92

    2N5770 Transistor, NPN.

    Max voltage: 15VCEO, 30VCBO.

    Max current: 50mA.

    Dissipation: 350mW.

    Package: TO-92.

    Operating temperature: -55 to 150 Deg C.

    Note: Silicon planar epitaxial.

    Alternates: ECG108, SK3452

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  10. Unidentified MFG - 2N5172 - Transistor, NPN.  25V, 500mA, TO-92
    Unidentified MFG - 2N5172 - Transistor, NPN. 25V, 500mA, TO-92

    2N5172 Transistor, NPN.

    Max Voltage: 25V.

    Collector Current: 500mA.

    Dissipation: 625mW.

    Package: TO-92.

    Note: GP Amplifier.

    Operating temperature: -55 to 150 Deg C.

    Unmarked, red dot.

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  11. Unidentified MFG - 2N5087 - Transistor, PNP Silicon. 50V, TO-92
    Unidentified MFG - 2N5087 - Transistor, PNP Silicon. 50V, TO-92
    Special Price $0.39 Regular Price $0.50 As low as $0.19

    2N5087 Amplifier Transistor, PNP silicon.

    Low Power Low Noise General Purpose.

    Max Voltage: 50V.

    Max Current: 50mA.

    Dissipation: 625mw.

    Package: TO-92.

    Marked: NP2N5087.

    Alternates: BC322, KT3107J


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  12. Unidentified MFG - 2N4403 HOUSE - Transistor, PNP. P/N: H#010-012. Package of 25.
    Unidentified MFG - 2N4403 HOUSE - Transistor, PNP. P/N: H#010-012. Package of 25.
    Special Price $3.98 Regular Price $6.00
    Transistor, PNP. Voltage: 40V. Current: 600mA. Dissipation: 625mW. Operating temperature: -55 to 150 Deg C. House numbered 010-012. Package: TO-92, plastic. Note: Silicon. Package of 25. Learn More
  13. UNITRODE - UMT1204 - Transistor, NPN. P/N: UMT1204.
    UNITRODE - UMT1204 - Transistor, NPN. P/N: UMT1204.
    Special Price $2.83 Regular Price $3.77
    Transistor, NPN. Max voltage: 400V. Max current: 3 Amp. Dissipation: 40 watt. Package: TO-220. P/N: UMT1204. Note: 5Amp peak, 1Amp continuous. Operating and storage temperature -65 Deg to 150DegC. Silicon. Learn More
  14. TRW - SVT6547 - Transistor. Military. Case: TO-3 steel.
    TRW - SVT6547 - Transistor. Military. Case: TO-3 steel.
    Transistor. Military. Case: TO-3 steel. No other information available. Learn More
  15. Tung Sol  - TS604 - Vintage Transistor, Germanium  PNP.  New
    Tung Sol - TS604 - Vintage Transistor, Germanium PNP. New
    Special Price $12.98 Regular Price $16.50

    Tung Sol - TS604 Vinatge Transistor, Germanium PNP.

    Small Signal Transistor

    Status: Discontinued

    Absolute Max. Power Diss. (W): 200m

    h(fe) Min. SS Current Gain.: 60

    I(C) Abs.(A) Collector Current: 400m

    @I(C) (A) (Test Condition): 10m

    I(CBO) Max. (A): 20u

    Package: TO-9

    V(BR)CBO (V): 20

    V(BR)CEO (V): 18

    @V(CE) (V) (Test Condition): 1.0

    Max voltage: 18V.

    Max current: 400ma, 200mw.

    Package: TO-9 (TO-5 Long Leads). 

    Application: Rare: Vintage TV Transistor 

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  16. UNITRODE - UPT1025 - NPN 15Amp 30W TO-66 gold
    UNITRODE - UPT1025 - NPN 15Amp 30W TO-66 gold
    MARKED: VX UNITRODE O 2L, on top, UPT1025 on side - very mysterious, don't ya think? Si NPN Power BJT, V(BR)CEO (V)=100, V(BR)CBO (V)=150, I(C) Abs.(A) Collector Current=15, Absolute Max. Power Diss. (W)=30,I(CBO) Max. (A)=10u, h(FE) Min. Static Current Gain=40, @I(C) (A) (Test Condition)=5.0, @V(CE) (V) (Test Condition)=5.0, f(T) Min. (Hz) Transition Freq=50M, t(on) Max. (s) Turn-On Time=450n, t(off) Max. (s) Turn-Off Time=350n Obsolete TO-66 gold Learn More
  17. Toshiba - MG300M1UK1 - Transistor, IGBT. Used.
    Toshiba - MG300M1UK1 - Transistor, IGBT. Used.
    Special Price $68.98 Regular Price $85.00

    Toshiba - MG300M1UK1 Transistor, IGBT.

    Max voltage: 1000V (1KV).

    Max current: 300Amp.

    Package: Module.

    Note: Used/Removed from equipment.

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  18. Toshiba - MG25N2CK1 - Darlington Half Bridge Power Module
    Toshiba - MG25N2CK1 - Darlington Half Bridge Power Module
    Special Price $89.98 Regular Price $125.00

    Toshiba - MG25N2CK1 Transistors, IGBT.

    25Amp 1100V.

    Darlington half bridge power module.

    Hardware not included.

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  19. Toshiba - 2SD822 - Transistor, NPN, Max voltage: 600VCEO, 1500VCBO. Max current: 7Amp. Dissipation: 50 watt. Package: TO-3.
    Toshiba - 2SD822 - Transistor, NPN, Max voltage: 600VCEO, 1500VCBO. Max current: 7Amp. Dissipation: 50 watt. Package: TO-3.
    Special Price $6.98 Regular Price $8.50 As low as $5.98

    Toshiba - 2SD822 - Transistor, NPN.

    Max voltage: 600VCEO, 1500VCBO.

    Max current: 7Amp.

    Dissipation: 50 watt.

    Package: TO-3.

    Note: Silicon.

    High switching speed.

    High Voltage.

    Genuine Toshiba - New Old Stock - Rare

    Alternates: NTE238, ECG165, SK2SD822.

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  20. Toshiba - 2SD818 - Transistor, NPN. P/N: 2SD818.
    Toshiba - 2SD818 - Transistor, NPN. P/N: 2SD818.
    Transistor, NPN. Max voltage: 600VCEO, 1500VCBO. Max current: 2.5Amp. Dissipation: 50 watt. Package: TO-3. P/N: 2SD818. Note: Silicon. High switching speed. High Voltage. Learn More
  21. Toshiba - 2SD633 - Transistor, Silicon NPN. P/N: 2SD633.
    Toshiba - 2SD633 - Transistor, Silicon NPN. P/N: 2SD633.
    Special Price $2.49 Regular Price $3.00 As low as $1.98

    Toshiba - 2SD633 Transistor, Silicon NPN.

    Max voltage: 100V.

    Max current: 7 Amp.

    Dissipation: 40 watt.

    Package: TO-220.

    Note: Triple diffused type (high power switching, hammer drive, pulse motor drive applications).

    Compliment: 2SB673

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  22. Texas Instruments - A5T4260 - PNP 15V 500mW 1.6GHz, 2.5PF.
    Texas Instruments - A5T4260 - PNP 15V 500mW 1.6GHz, 2.5PF.
    Special Price $0.74 Regular Price $0.89
    "These transistors are encapsulated in a plastic compound specifically designed for this purpose, using a highly mechanized process developed by Texas Instruments. The case will withstand soldering temperatures without deformation, stable under high humidity. MIL-STD-202C m106B. The transistors are insensitive to light !" PNP 15V 500mW 1.6GHz, 2.5PF. Package: TO-92. Learn More
  23. TELEDYNE - 2N5197 - Transistor, N Channel FET. P/N: 2N5197.
    TELEDYNE - 2N5197 - Transistor, N Channel FET. P/N: 2N5197.
    Transistor, N Channel FET. Dual monolithic. Max Voltage: 50V. Collector current: 50mA. Dissipation: 250mW one side, 500mW both sides. Package: TO-71-6 long gold leads. P/N: 2N5197 Learn More
  24. TEKTRONIX - 151-1042-092 - TO-92 TEK P/N NEW TAPED..
    TEKTRONIX - 151-1042-092 - TO-92 TEK P/N NEW TAPED..
    Special Price $12.95 Regular Price $15.00
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Items 97-120 of 2757

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