
  1. Manufacturer CP CLARE Remove This Item
  2. Manufacturer ORIGINAL Remove This Item
  3. Manufacturer Sierra Research Corp Remove This Item
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Common VDC  
DC Voltage  
-63v 120240v -63v to 120240v
  1. !@ 1 item
  2. Unmarked 17 items
  3. ABB 3 items
  4. NEC Corporation 1 item
  5. ST Microelectronics 2 items
  6. Agastat/Amerace 7 items
  7. Adams and Westlake 2 items
  8. Ademco 1 item
  9. Allis-Chalmers 29 items
  10. Adams & Westlake 1 item
  11. Allied Controls 21 items
  12. Allen Bradley - AB 49 items
  13. Airpax 1 item
  14. Alcatel 1 item
  15. Allen Bradley 4 items
  16. Alcoswitch 1 item
  17. American Zettler 18 items
  18. Amperite 23 items
  19. American Relays 5 items
  20. Amphenol 3 items
  21. AT&T 1 item
  22. Aromat/Matsushita 5 items
  23. Arrow Hart & Hart 5 items
  24. Automatic Electric 4 items
  25. Aromat 11 items
  26. Artisan Controls 1 item
  27. Automation Direct 1 item
  28. Arco Siemens 1 item
  29. Antex 2 items
  30. Bosch 1 item
  31. Babcock 1 item
  32. Banner Engineering Corp 1 item
  33. BEN-DEC 1 item
  34. BIRTCHER CORP 1 item
  35. CALEX 2 items
  36. C.P. CLARE&CO 10 items
  37. CDC 1 item
  38. CDE 3 items
  40. Clare 23 items
  41. Cinch Jones 2 items
  42. CORNELL DUBILIER 5 items
  43. CLARE/GI 1 item
  44. CLAREED 1 item
  45. CII 2 items
  46. COMM INSTRUMENTS 3 items
  47. COTO 8 items
  48. CP CLARE 10 items
  49. COTO WABASH 1 item
  51. CIT RELAY 2 items
  52. COMAR 1 item
  53. Cutler-Hammer 26 items
  54. Crydom 26 items
  55. CRAMER 2 items
  56. CROUZET CORP 4 items
  57. Cutler-Hammer / Eaton 4 items
  58. CURTIS / ALBRIGHT 1 item
  59. CURTIS / ALLRIGHT 1 item
  61. DATRON 3 items
  62. DELTROL 7 items
  63. Danaher Controls 1 item
  64. Douglas Randall 13 items
  65. EAC 1 item
  66. Edison 5 items
  67. EIA 1 item
  68. ELECTROL 8 items
  69. ELX APPLICATION CO. 1 item
  70. ELEC INST 2 items
  72. E-H Research 1 item
  73. Eagle Signal 5 items
  75. DUNCO 2 items
  76. Electro Tec Corp 1 item
  77. ELECTROMATIC 2 items
  78. E.V.NAYBOR LABS 1 item
  79. DYNACORP 1 item
  80. E.DOLD & SOHNE KG 2 items
  81. EAGLE SIGNAL / DANAHER 4 items
  83. ESSEX 2 items
  84. ERI 1 item
  85. FASCO IND INC 1 item
  86. FUJITSU 5 items
  87. General Electric 14 items
  88. Fuji Electric 1 item
  89. Furnas 2 items
  90. FKI 4 items
  91. FILTORS INC 2 items
  92. General Automatic 1 item
  93. Genicom 1 item
  94. GI/CLARE 1 item
  95. GUARDIAN 14 items
  96. GRAYHILL 9 items
  97. GORDOS/CROUZET 32 items
  98. GTE 1 item
  99. GV CONTROLS INC 2 items
  100. HAMLIN 8 items
  101. GRUNER 1 item
  102. Goldstar 1 item
  103. GUARDIAN ELECTRIC 4 items
  104. GORDOS 1 item
  105. GRIGSBY BARTON 3 items
  106. HART MFR 3 items
  107. Heinemann / Eaton 1 item
  108. HATHAWAY 1 item
  109. HI-G INC 4 items
  110. HASCO 3 items
  111. Hellerman-Deutsch 1 item
  112. IDEC 8 items
  114. ICM 2 items
  115. HUFCO - BURBANK 1 item
  116. IKUNOELEC-TROL 1 item
  117. IR 3 items
  118. International Rectifier 1 item
  120. ITT 2 items
  121. ITT/TAKAMISAWA 1 item
  122. JACK&HEINTZ INC 1 item
  124. ISSC/Kanson Electronics 6 items
  125. KURMAN ELECTRIC 1 item
  126. Leach 6 items
  127. Line Electric 11 items
  128. LINE ELEC 6 items
  129. KUHNKE 5 items
  130. Magnecraft/S&D 72 items
  131. MACROMATIC 15 items
  132. Matsushita 5 items
  133. Meder Electronics 1 item
  134. MARCOMATIC 1 item
  135. MICROSWITCH 1 item
  136. MDI 1 item
  137. Matsushita/Nais 1 item
  138. MIDLAND ROSS 2 items
  139. MIDTEX 6 items
  140. MIDTEX/AEMCO 3 items
  141. Milwaukee 1 item
  142. Motorola 6 items
  143. MIDTEX/CII 1 item
  144. Texas Instruments 2 items
  145. NAIS/AROMAT 37 items
  146. MSD INC 5 items
  147. NAMCO CONTROLS 1 item
  148. NAP CONTROLS 1 item
  149. NAIS 4 items
  150. MSD 2 items
  151. NCC 1 item
  152. New Product Devol 1 item
  153. NOREED 1 item
  154. NORTH ELECTRIC CO. 2 items
  155. New Product Engineering 1 item
  156. NTE Electronics Inc. 4 items
  157. Philips 2 items
  158. NEW ADVANTAGE CORP 1 item
  159. OAK INDUSTRIES 2 items
  160. Ohmite 2 items
  161. OEM 1 item
  162. OEG 1 item
  163. OPTO 22 36 items
  164. OMRON 65 items
  165. ORIGINAL 1 item
  166. OPCON 2 items
  167. OMROM 1 item
  168. OPTO 3 items
  170. Panasonic/Matsushita 1 item
  171. Panasonic 5 items
  172. PED 1 item
  173. Sylvania 2 items
  174. Potter & Brumfield 209 items
  175. Polycase Products 1 item
  176. Phoenix Contacts 1 item
  177. RBM CONTROLS 5 items
  178. RBM CONTROLS/ESSEX 2 items
  179. ROWAN ITE 1 item
  180. SCHRACK 5 items
  181. Semiconductor Technology Inc 1 item
  182. SHARP 1 item
  183. SCR DEVICES 2 items
  185. SEMELEC S.A 1 item
  186. Schaltbau 1 item
  187. Siemens 37 items
  188. Sierra Research Corp 1 item
  189. SIEMENS/P&B 1 item
  190. SIGMA 16 items
  191. SKAN-A-MATIC 1 item
  192. Silicon Power Cube 1 item
  193. SPC 1 item
  194. SSAC 10 items
  195. SQUARE D 28 items
  196. Square D Schneider Electric 1 item
  197. STD Electromagnetics/Cooper 1 item
  198. STRUTHERS & DUNN 8 items
  199. Stromberg-Finland 2 items
  200. STRUTHERS-DUNN 1 item
  201. STT-Austria 1 item
  202. Stromberg-Carlson Co 1 item
  203. Teledyne 24 items
  204. Takamisawa 6 items
  205. TELEX 1 item
  206. TELEX / AEMCO 1 item
  207. Syracuse 1 item
  208. T-BAR 6 items
  209. TELEMECANIQUE 13 items
  210. Syracuse Electronics 1 item
  211. Toshiba 1 item
  212. THETA-J 2 items
  213. Timeco Inc. 3 items
  214. TOKIN 1 item
  215. TYCO/P&B 6 items
  216. TRIRIDGE 3 items
  217. TYCO/T&B 5 items
  218. Turck 2 items
  219. TRIMPOT 1 item
  220. UNENCO 1 item
  221. U.S.R.C. 1 item
  222. TYCO/AGASTAT 3 items
  223. VALOR 1 item
  224. US RELAY CO 1 item
  225. US RELAY 1 item
  226. WABASH 6 items
  227. Ward Leonard 3 items
  228. WAGO 1 item
  229. WELCH 1 item
  230. Western Electric 4 items
  231. Westinghouse 2 items
  232. WHEELOCK 3 items
  233. WRC/Western Reserve Controls 6 items
  234. Wilmar Electronics 1 item
$20 $250000 $20 to $250000
Unit of Measure  
$0 $897 $0 to $897
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  1. CP CLARE - XCA111ES - Relay, SSR. DC NO N Channel MOSFET.
    CP CLARE - XCA111ES - Relay, SSR. DC NO N Channel MOSFET.
    Special Price $3.49 Regular Price $3.95 As low as $1.98

    CP CLARE - XCA111ES - Relay, SSR.

    Status: Discontinued

    Input: DC.

    Contacts: Normally Open (NO).

    N Channel MOSFET.

    Contact Ratings: 350V 0.1Amp.

    Connections: SMD T/R.

    Mech Mtg: PCB, Gull Wing.

    Size: 9mm 7mm x 7mm high.

    Note: Optional E. Lot: 5234.

    Type: OPTCO-06.

    Learn More
  2. CP CLARE - A-47628 - 120VDC 18Kohm Octal Shielded Plate Relay
    CP CLARE - A-47628 - 120VDC 18Kohm Octal Shielded Plate Relay
    DPDT Bifurcated precious metal contacts - Coil: 18,000 ohms [57,000 turns #44 FMX] New (old stock) Relays Steel Enclosed with 8-pin Octal Plug and metal frame mounting bracket - pulls in around 60VDC ~ probably 110-120VDC coil Learn More
  3. SIERRA RESEARCH CORP - 6701-0023 - Relay, 24VDC DPDT-10A
    SIERRA RESEARCH CORP - 6701-0023 - Relay, 24VDC DPDT-10A
    Special Price $3.38 Regular Price $4.50
    Relay, 24VDC DPDT-10A Learn More
  4. CP CLARE - PRMA2A24B - Relay, reed. 0.4Amp 24VDC.
    CP CLARE - PRMA2A24B - Relay, reed. 0.4Amp 24VDC.
    Relay, reed. Input: DC. Contacts: 2-Form-A. Contact Ratings: 0.4Amp (Carry 2Amp). Coil Voltage: 24VDC (18-24VDC). Coil Resistance: 2150 Ohm. Connections: PC pins. Mech Mtg: PCB 8 Dip (in an 14 Dip outline). Packaging: Epoxy molded. Note: Switching 100V. Learn More
  5. CP CLARE - HFW1223D01 - Military 8-DIP Herm Sealed Dip Relay
    CP CLARE - HFW1223D01 - Military 8-DIP Herm Sealed Dip Relay
    Special Price $34.95 Regular Price $45.98
    Military 8-DIP Herm Sealed Dip Relay New bulk. Learn More
  6. ORIGINAL - OUB-V - Relay, control. 5VDC DPDT- 0.5Amp, 58 Ohm.
    ORIGINAL - OUB-V - Relay, control. 5VDC DPDT- 0.5Amp, 58 Ohm.
    Special Price $2.98 Regular Price $4.50
    ORIGINAL - OUB-V - Relay, control. 5VDC DPDT- 0.5Amp, 58 Ohm. Relay, control. 5VDC DPDT- 0.5Amp, 58 Ohm. Case: Miniature dip plastic enclosed 11/16" x 3/8" x 7/16" tall. PCB Mount 6 Pin Solder Mount, New Old Stock Learn More
  7. CP CLARE - A100279 - Relay, power. DPST and 2 NO 3VDC.
    CP CLARE - A100279 - Relay, power. DPST and 2 NO 3VDC.
    Relay, power. Input: DC. Contacts: DPST and 2 NO. Contact Ratings: 3VDC. Pulls in about 2VDC. Coil Resistance: 1 ohm. Packaging: Open frame. Note: 280 Turns of #24 FMX. NIB. Learn More
  8. CP CLARE - RP10711G2 - 4PDT Plug-in RELAY Hermetically Sealed
    CP CLARE - RP10711G2 - 4PDT Plug-in RELAY Hermetically Sealed
    Special Price $79.95 Regular Price $96.00
    RELAY HERM SEALED 4PDT PLUG-IN Heavy duty Military Learn More
  9. CP CLARE - OMA160 - Single Pole OptoMOS Relay.
    CP CLARE - OMA160 - Single Pole OptoMOS Relay.
    Relay. Single Pole OptoMOS Relay. 1 Form A, 250V 50mA. RDS on: 100 Ohm. Features high speed switching capability. Package: 6 Dip. Listed: UL/CSA. Learn More
  10. CP CLARE - LCB110 - Relay, solid state. Opto mosfet, 350V, 120mA.
    CP CLARE - LCB110 - Relay, solid state. Opto mosfet, 350V, 120mA.
    Relay, solid state. Control: DC. Opto mosfet, 350V, 120mA, 35 Ohm. Contacts:SPST-NC. Isolation voltage: 3750Vrms. Forward current If: 5mA. Rohs compliant. Package: 6 Dip. Learn More
  11. CP CLARE - ATE31C0510 - Relay, reed. Coil Voltage: 5 VDC.
    CP CLARE - ATE31C0510 - Relay, reed. Coil Voltage: 5 VDC.
    Special Price $9.56 Regular Price $12.75
    Relay, reed. Coil Voltage: 5 VDC. Switching Current : 0.25 Amps. Switching Voltage: 125 Volts. Mounting : PC Board. Learn More
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