Other Integrated Circuits

  1. Unmarked 27 items
  2. Hitachi 13 items
  3. NEC Corporation 42 items
  4. ST Microelectronics 90 items
  5. Analog Devices Inc 185 items
  6. Advanced Micro Devices 115 items
  7. ADAPTEC 1 item
  8. AEG 1 item
  9. ACTEL 7 items
  10. Advanced Micro Controls Inc 1 item
  11. Agilent 1 item
  12. AD 3 items
  13. Advantek 2 items
  14. ALTERA 15 items
  15. Alpha Indust 1 item
  16. Allegro 10 items
  17. ALEGRO 1 item
  18. AMI 9 items
  19. Amperex 2 items
  20. ALTERA FLEX 2 items
  21. AMCC 3 items
  22. ALTERA/MAX 2 items
  23. Ampex 3 items
  24. ANALOG DEVICES, INC 17 items
  25. Avantek 2 items
  26. AT&T 3 items
  27. Atmel Corporation 9 items
  28. Analogic 1 item
  29. Apex 6 items
  30. ATI 1 item
  31. Analog Solutions 1 item
  32. Atmel 2 items
  33. AP Products 2 items
  34. AVASEM 1 item
  35. Aptek Microsystems 1 item
  36. BI (BECKMAN) 1 item
  37. BI TECH 1 item
  38. Benchmarq 2 items
  39. BB 9 items
  40. Burr Brown 100 items
  41. Brooktree 2 items
  42. California Micro Devices 1 item
  43. CALOGIC 2 items
  44. Cermetek 1 item
  46. CDC 1 item
  47. CBS 1 item
  48. CHIPS & TECH 2 items
  49. CHIPS 1 item
  50. CDTF 1 item
  51. CDT 1 item
  52. Clare 2 items
  53. Computer Products 1 item
  54. CLC 1 item
  55. Comlinear 3 items
  56. CIRRUS 1 item
  57. CIC 2 items
  58. COMP LAB 1 item
  60. CTS 1 item
  61. D 1 item
  62. CRYSTAL SEMI 1 item
  63. CYBIOTRON 1 item
  64. DALLAS 10 items
  65. Datatronics Ltd 1 item
  66. DDC 3 items
  67. DATEL 5 items
  68. DAVID SYSTEMS 1 item
  69. DEC 2 items
  70. DIONICS 4 items
  71. Elantec 14 items
  72. DSS 1 item
  73. ELX APP CO 1 item
  74. FAIRCHILD 277 items
  75. EXAR 17 items
  76. ERICSSON 1 item
  77. Fairchild semiconductor corportion 4 items
  78. EPSON 3 items
  79. Fairchild Semiconductor. 1 item
  80. FERRANTI 2 items
  81. FUJITSU 14 items
  82. General Electric 5 items
  83. Fuji Electric 6 items
  84. G 1 item
  85. GBL 1 item
  86. FLASH 1 item
  87. General Instruments 6 items
  88. GENNUM 1 item
  89. Harris Corp 125 items
  90. GTE 1 item
  91. GTC INC 1 item
  92. Goldstar 5 items
  93. HARRIS 2 items
  94. GSI 1 item
  95. GTEMicro 1 item
  96. Hewlett Packard 21 items
  97. HOLT/CONDAR 1 item
  98. IDT 26 items
  99. Intel 29 items
  100. INTECH 2 items
  101. HP/Agilent 1 item
  102. IBM 2 items
  103. I 1 item
  104. HPP INC 2 items
  105. HYBRID SYSTEMS 1 item
  106. IMMOS 1 item
  107. INTERSIL 44 items
  108. Intersil/Siliconix 4 items
  109. INTERDESIGN 1 item
  110. IR 10 items
  111. INTEL FLASH 1 item
  112. INVOA 1 item
  113. INTRONICS 1 item
  114. ITT 7 items
  115. K 1 item
  116. ISOCOM 1 item
  117. JRC 3 items
  118. ISOLINK 2 items
  119. KEC 1 item
  120. LATTICE 12 items
  121. Linear Technology 140 items
  122. LINFINITY 2 items
  123. LEVEL ONE 1 item
  124. LINEAR TECH 3 items
  125. Litronix 1 item
  126. MAJOR 5 items
  127. LITEON 3 items
  128. LSI 2 items
  129. LOGIC 1 item
  130. LSI LOGIC 1 item
  131. National Semiconductor Corp 188 items
  132. M/A COM PHI INC 1 item
  133. Matsushita 2 items
  134. MICRO NETWORKS 3 items
  135. MAXIM 90 items
  136. Microchip 7 items
  137. MAXTOR 1 item
  138. MICREL 13 items
  139. Micro Linear 3 items
  140. MCE UK 1 item
  141. Maxim Integrated 1 item
  142. MARCONI 2 items
  143. MMI 18 items
  144. Mini Circuit Labs 1 item
  145. MISC 8 items
  146. MITEL 3 items
  147. Mitsubishi 12 items
  148. Mitsumi 2 items
  149. Motorola 761 items
  150. MILITARY 2 items
  151. MOSTEK 13 items
  152. MONSANTO 2 items
  154. MITS 2 items
  155. MOS 1 item
  156. MOT 1 item
  157. Motorola Inc 4 items
  158. Texas Instruments 546 items
  159. NAMCO CONTROLS 2 items
  160. MP 2 items
  161. MSC 1 item
  162. NAT 146 items
  163. NAMCO/PLESSEY 1 item
  164. MYSON TECH 1 item
  165. MX-COM 1 item
  168. National Semiconductor Inc 7 items
  169. NAT/SIG 2 items
  170. NATIONAL SEMI 2 items
  171. NAT/TI/SIG 1 item
  172. NAT/FAIR 1 item
  173. NEC (UK) 1 item
  174. NEC 1 item
  175. NES 1 item
  176. NSC 8 items
  177. NS 1 item
  178. NITRON 1 item
  179. NSC/TANDY 1 item
  180. NTE Electronics Inc. 85 items
  181. Philips 68 items
  182. NTE Electronics Inc 3 items
  183. NTE 32 items
  184. NEC NORTH 1 item
  185. NXP Semiconductors 3 items
  186. OKI 6 items
  187. ON SEMI 12 items
  188. On Semi/Motorola 1 item
  189. Philco 26 items
  190. Panasonic/Matsushita 2 items
  191. PCA 1 item
  192. Philbrick 1 item
  193. Panasonic 1 item
  194. PERICOM 7 items
  195. Performance Semi 1 item
  196. P-DUKE 1 item
  197. Sylvania 2 items
  198. PMI 47 items
  199. PLESSEY 6 items
  200. POLYTRON DEVICES 1 item
  201. PMI/CDTF 1 item
  202. RAY 2 items
  203. RAYTHEON. 20 items
  204. RAYTHEON 4 items
  205. QTC 2 items
  206. Q-BIT 6 items
  207. QUALITY SEMI 3 items
  208. PROTEK DEVICES 1 item
  209. RCA 128 items
  210. Samsung 12 items
  211. S 2 items
  212. ROHM 7 items
  213. Rockwell 20 items
  214. SAE 1 item
  215. S-MOS 2 items
  216. RF MONOLITHICS INC 13 items
  217. RED LINE INC. 1 item
  218. Sanyo 15 items
  219. SGS-THOMPSON 7 items
  220. SEIKO 1 item
  221. Seagate Technologies 1 item
  222. SHARP 15 items
  223. SGS 4 items
  224. SIG 89 items
  225. Siemens 13 items
  226. Siliconix 40 items
  227. SIGNETICS 132 items
  228. Silicon General/Microsemi 24 items
  229. SILCONIX 1 item
  230. Silicon Systems 1 item
  231. Silicon Power 1 item
  232. SIPEX 4 items
  233. SIG/TI 2 items
  234. SIG/FAIR 1 item
  235. SK SERIES 1 item
  236. SILICON WAVE 1 item
  237. SSS 5 items
  238. SMC 5 items
  239. ST 12 items
  240. Solitron 1 item
  241. SPERRY 2 items
  242. Sprague 24 items
  243. SSI 3 items
  244. SPI 3 items
  245. SPIEX 1 item
  246. SPECTRONIC 1 item
  247. SW 3 items
  248. SUPERTEX 4 items
  250. Stewart-Warner 1 item
  251. ST Electronics International, Inc. 1 item
  252. Stanford Microdevices 1 item
  253. ST. MICRO 1 item
  254. Teledyne 14 items
  255. Teledyne/Philbrick 2 items
  256. Tektronix 8 items
  257. Teccor 1 item
  258. TELCOM 6 items
  259. TELECOM 3 items
  260. TELTONE 1 item
  261. TELETYPE CORP 1 item
  262. Teledynamic Communications, Inc. 1 item
  263. TAOS 1 item
  264. SYNERTEX 1 item
  265. Toshiba 64 items
  266. TFK 3 items
  267. THOMSON CSF 4 items
  268. TOPAZ 1 item
  269. Transistor Electronics Corp 1 item
  270. TI/SIG 1 item
  271. TI/NAT 1 item
  272. TI/FAIR/NAT 1 item
  273. TI/SIG/FAIR 1 item
  274. TI/SW 2 items
  275. TI 4 items
  276. TLSI 3 items
  278. Unitrode 21 items
  279. TRW 16 items
  280. UNIDEN 3 items
  281. TRANSTECTOR 1 item
  282. TRW/LSI 1 item
  283. VALOR 1 item
  284. USI 1 item
  285. UTMC/Boeing 1 item
  286. Vadem 1 item
  287. VLSI 3 items
  288. Vishay 1 item
  289. VTC 4 items
  290. Vishay/Telefunken 1 item
  291. Versalogic 1 item
  292. WDC 14 items
  293. Watkins-J 1 item
  294. WEITEK 7 items
  295. Westinghouse 2 items
  296. Zilog 9 items
  297. XICOR 7 items
  298. Zeltex 1 item
  299. XILINX 11 items
  300. Zoran 1 item
  301. ZX 1 item
  302. Wolfson Microelectronics 1 item
  303. Windbond 1 item
  304. YAMAHA 1 item
Unit of Measure  
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Items 73-96 of 4997

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  1. SIGNETICS - 74LS174N - IC, TTL. Hex D FF. Package of 25.
    SIGNETICS - 74LS174N - IC, TTL. Hex D FF. Package of 25.
    IC, TTL. Hex D FF with clear. Package: 16 Dip. Package of 25, one manufactures tube. Learn More
  2. SANYO - STK780 - IC. Chopper Type Switching Regulators.
    SANYO - STK780 - IC. Chopper Type Switching Regulators.
    Special Price $9.98 Regular Price $10.95 As low as $7.98

    SANYO - STK780 - IC, Thick Film Hybrid.

    One chopper type output switching regulators / FM noise canceller for car radio.

    Package: SEP15P

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  3. SEAGATE TECHNOLOGIES - 10506-024 - Connector, IC Socket. 24 Dip. Breakaway leads, Package of 10.
    SEAGATE TECHNOLOGIES - 10506-024 - Connector, IC Socket. 24 Dip. Breakaway leads, Package of 10.
    Special Price $4.98 Regular Price $6.00 As low as $3.98

    SEAGATE TECHNOLOGIES - 10506-024 - Connector, IC Socket.

    24 Dip.

    Machined Pins on Aluminum Carrier

    Breakaway Leads

    Pitch: 2.54mm,  (0.010") Spacing.

    Package of 10.

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  4. Rockwell - R10939P-50 - IC. Dot matrix display controller.
    Rockwell - R10939P-50 - IC. Dot matrix display controller.
    IC. Dot matrix display controller. 20 Character display driver cascadable to 80. Standard 5 x 7 character font. Double marked 10939-II. Package: 40 Dip. Learn More
  5. Philips - 74HCT373D - IC, TTL. Octal D-type transparent latch.
    Philips - 74HCT373D - IC, TTL. Octal D-type transparent latch.
    IC, TTL. Octal D-type transparent latch, 3-state. Package: 20 SMD New T/R. Learn More
  6. Philips - 74HCT08D - IC, TTL, CMOS. Quad 2-input AND gate.
    Philips - 74HCT08D - IC, TTL, CMOS. Quad 2-input AND gate.
    IC, TTL, CMOS. Quad 2-input AND gate. High speed. Package: 14 SOIC SMD. Learn More
  7. National Semiconductor Corp - LM709CN - IC, Operational Amplifier, 14 Pin DIP.
    National Semiconductor Corp - LM709CN - IC, Operational Amplifier, 14 Pin DIP.
    Special Price $3.98 Regular Price $4.50 As low as $2.49

    National Semiconductor Corp - LM709CN - IC, Operational Amplifier, 14 Pin DIP.

    Status: Discontinued

    Common Mode Rejection: 65 dB

    Max. Dual Supply Voltage: 18V

    Operating Temperature: 0c to 100C 

    New Old Stock


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  8. National Semiconductor Corp - DM8683N HOUSE # - IC, TTL. Presettable Binary counter. House No.
    National Semiconductor Corp - DM8683N HOUSE # - IC, TTL. Presettable Binary counter. House No.
    IC, TTL. Presettable Binary counter. Package: 14 Dip. Note: House number 6-1090307. Cross: 74197. Learn More
  9. Motorola - MC74HC02ADR2 - IC, TTL. Quad 2-input NOR gate. Package of 30.
    Motorola - MC74HC02ADR2 - IC, TTL. Quad 2-input NOR gate. Package of 30.
    IC, TTL, CMOS. Quad 2-input NOR gate. Package: 14-SMD. Package of 30. Learn More
  10. Sanyo Mitsubishi - STK6722HZ - Stepper Motor Driver Spin SIP
    Sanyo Mitsubishi - STK6722HZ - Stepper Motor Driver Spin SIP
    Special Price $7.98 Regular Price $12.95
    Sanyo Mitsubishi - STK6722HZ - Stepper Motor Driver Spin SIP Mitsubishi - STK6722HZ - Stepper Motor Driver Spin SIP Stepper Motor Driver. Thick Film Hybrid IC. 18-SIP Original Sanyo Factory New Learn More
  11. MAJOR - 5962-00-548-1233 - Hybrid and Negative outputs, Preamplifier
    MAJOR - 5962-00-548-1233 - Hybrid and Negative outputs, Preamplifier
    Special Price $249.99 Regular Price $296.00
    Hybrid and Negative outputs, Amplifier and Preamplifier 30-Flatpack Gold Hermetically SealedLockheed Martin 6088576-1 Learn More
  12. ELANTEC - EL2020CN - IC, amplifier. 50Mhz. Case: 8 Dip.
    ELANTEC - EL2020CN - IC, amplifier. 50Mhz. Case: 8 Dip.
    IC, amplifier. 50Mhz current feedback. Case: 8 Dip. Learn More
  13. ELANTEC - EL7212CS - IC, MOSFET Driver. Case 8-SOIC SMD.
    ELANTEC - EL7212CS - IC, MOSFET Driver. Case 8-SOIC SMD.
    Special Price $3.14 Regular Price $4.18
    IC, MOSFET Driver. Peak output current:2A, output resistance:4ohm, supply voltage range:4.5V to 15V, operating temperature range:-40�C to +85�Cfall time, tf:13ns, RoHS compliant. Case 8-SOIC SMD. Learn More
  14. Elantec - ELH0002H/883B - IC, current amplifier. Case: TO-99 metal can.
    Elantec - ELH0002H/883B - IC, current amplifier. Case: TO-99 metal can.
    IC, current amplifier. Military type, 400ma pulsed output current. Case: TO-99 metal can. Note: Military 883. Learn More
  15. IC. Optically coupled linear isolation amplifiers. Package: 19-cdip in a 32 Pin pkg, gold leads.
    IC. Optically coupled linear isolation amplifiers. Package: 19-cdip in a 32 Pin pkg, gold leads.
    Special Price $124.98 Regular Price $148.50

    Burr Brown - 3652JG - Used/Socket pulls 

    IC. Optically Coupled Linear Isolation Amplifiers.

    Package: 19-cdip in a 32 Pin pkg, Gold Leads.

    An optical isolation operational amplifier designed to measure electrical current in the 10−11–10−6 A range at ±1000 V.


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  16. Burr Brown - 4126/15C - IC, square root extracter module.
    Burr Brown - 4126/15C - IC, square root extracter module.
    Special Price $250.00 Regular Price $295.00
    IC, square root extracter module. Accuracy: +/-0.5%. Specs available upon request. Package: 1-3/4" L x 1-1/8" W x 9/16" H. Learn More
  17. Avantek - MSA0104 - IC. Cascadable bipolar MMIC amplifier.
    Avantek - MSA0104 - IC. Cascadable bipolar MMIC amplifier.
    IC. Cascadable bipolar MMIC amplifier. Silicon. Case: RF 04 plastic. New. Learn More
  18. Analog Devices Inc - AD547KH - IC, Operational Amplifier. BIFET New.
    Analog Devices Inc - AD547KH - IC, Operational Amplifier. BIFET New.
    Special Price $14.98 Regular Price $25.00

    Analog Devices Inc - AD547KH - IC, Operational Amplifier.

    Status: Discontinued

    High Performance BIFET.

    Case: TO-99-8.

    Note: These IC's were stored in anti-static foam that has deteriorated and adhered to part of the leads.

    Cleaned, with full leads. 

    New Old Stock


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  19. Analog Devices Inc - AD536AJD - IC, D/C Converter. True RMS to DC Converter.
    Analog Devices Inc - AD536AJD - IC, D/C Converter. True RMS to DC Converter.
    Special Price $28.98 Regular Price $38.50 As low as $24.98

    Analog Devices Inc - AD536AJD IC, D/C Converter.

    True RMS to DC Converter.

    Package: 14 CDIP.

    -3db Bandwidth: 450 kHz

    Bandwidth: 2 MHz

    Max Input Voltage: 7 V

    Operating Temperature: 0 C to 70 °C

    Max Power Dissipation: 500 mW

    Max Supply Voltage: 36 V

    Min Supply Voltage: 5 V

    Nominal Supply Current: 1.2 mA

    Operating Supply Current: 2 mA

    Power Dissipation: 500 mW

    Termination: Through Hole


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  20. Analog Devices Inc - AD517JH - IC, Operational Amplifier. TO-99 Desoldered.
    Analog Devices Inc - AD517JH - IC, Operational Amplifier. TO-99 Desoldered.
    Special Price $3.98 Regular Price $6.50 As low as $2.98

    Analog Devices Inc - 9372-1Operational Amplifier, Precision.

    Slew Rate: 0.1V/µs

    Voltage - Supply, Single/Dual (±): ±5V ~ 18V

    Operating Temperature; 0°C ~ 70°C

    Mounting Type: Through Hole

    Package / Case; TO-99-8 Metal Can

    Supplier Device Package: TO-99

    Current - Input Bias: 5 nA

    Voltage - Input Offset: 150 µV

    Current - Output / Channel: 25 mA

    Case: TO-99, Laser trimmed /Cut and desoldered with 3/16" leads.

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  21. Analog Devices Inc - AD3518 - IC, Military Marked AD3518 and US Navy.
    Analog Devices Inc - AD3518 - IC, Military Marked AD3518 and US Navy.

    Analog Devices Inc - AD3518 IC, Military.

    Marked AD3518 and US Navy - Aerospace Number 2500354.

    NSN 5962-01-090-3851.

    Case: TO-99-8 Gold Leads.

    Alternates: AD 3518, AD3518, 2500354, 2A038, 5962-01-090-3851, 01-090-3851, 5962010903851, 010903851

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  22. ALTERA - EP1200-ES - Programmable Logic Device, FPGA, New.
    ALTERA - EP1200-ES - Programmable Logic Device, FPGA, New.
    Special Price $24.98 Regular Price $84.50 As low as $18.98

    ALTERA - EP1200-ES - Programmable Logic Device

    FPGA - Field Programmable Gate Array

    Altera EP1200 was the first high-density programmable logic device (PLD). Altera’s technology was manufactured using 3-μm complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) electrically programmable read-only memory (EPROM) technology and required ultraviolet light to erase the programming, whereas Xilinx’s technology was based on conventional static random access memory (SRAM) technology and required an EPROM to store the programming.

    Altera EP1200 programmable logic device was introduced in 1985. The device used UV erasable technology and could hold the equivalent of 1200 logic gates.

    28 On-Board Registers

    236 Product Terms, on-board Latchesfor the inputs, Programmable I/O

    Operate at clock speeds above 16 MHz.

    Stand-by Power: 15mW, Active Mode: 400mW.

    Package: 40 Pin Ceramic 600 mil DIP Package.

    Genuine Altera - Vintage New Old Stock - Rare

    Made in USA

    When Introduced in 1985 the cost of the EP1200-ES FPGA cost was $129.50 each in quantities of 100.

    The Altera PLE-12 Master Progamming unit and similar are used to program EP300, EP320, EP1200, and EP1210 devices.

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  23. ZILOG - Z80ACTC - IC, microprocessor. Peripheral Timer.
    ZILOG - Z80ACTC - IC, microprocessor. Peripheral Timer.
    IC, microprocessor. Peripheral Timer - 4-Channel Counter Timer Package: 28 Dip. Note: Used/Removed from equipment. Learn More
  24. TRW - TDC1009J1C - IC, multiplier. 12 x 12 Bit parallel.
    TRW - TDC1009J1C - IC, multiplier. 12 x 12 Bit parallel.
    IC, multiplier. 12 x 12 Bit parallel. Case: 64 Dip gold leads. socket pulls/used. Learn More
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Items 73-96 of 4997

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