Semiconductors - ICs

  1. Manufacturer MOSTEK Remove This Item
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$8 $181 $8 to $181
DC Voltage  
3v 720v 3v to 720v
  1. !@ 1 item
  2. 3M 2 items
  3. Unmarked 92 items
  4. Hitachi 51 items
  5. NEC Corporation 84 items
  6. ST Microelectronics 138 items
  7. Analog Devices Inc 328 items
  8. Advanced Micro Devices 198 items
  9. ADAPTEC 1 item
  10. AEG 1 item
  11. ACTEL 10 items
  12. ADVANCED 1 item
  13. Advanced Interconnections 2 items
  14. Advanced Micro Controls Inc 1 item
  15. Agilent 1 item
  16. AD 5 items
  17. Advantek 2 items
  18. ALTERA 36 items
  19. Allen Bradley - AB 1 item
  20. Alpha Indust 1 item
  21. Aires 2 items
  22. Allegro 12 items
  23. ALEGRO 1 item
  24. AMI 13 items
  25. Amp Inc 25 items
  26. Amperex 2 items
  28. ALTERA FLEX 2 items
  29. AMCC 3 items
  30. American Microsemiconductor Inc. 1 item
  31. ALTERA/MAX 2 items
  32. Ampex 3 items
  33. ANALOG DEVICES, INC 19 items
  34. Avantek 2 items
  35. AT&T 6 items
  36. Augat 21 items
  37. Astec 1 item
  38. Atmel Corporation 21 items
  39. Analogic 5 items
  40. Apex 7 items
  41. ATI 1 item
  42. Analog Solutions 1 item
  43. Atmel 4 items
  44. AP Products 2 items
  45. AVASEM 1 item
  46. Asahi Keiki 1 item
  47. Assmann Electronics, Inc 2 items
  48. Aptek Microsystems 1 item
  49. BI (BECKMAN) 1 item
  50. BI TECH 1 item
  51. Benchmarq 3 items
  52. BB 10 items
  53. Burr Brown 152 items
  54. Brooktree 4 items
  55. Burndy 5 items
  56. CAC 1 item
  57. California Micro Devices 1 item
  58. CALOGIC 2 items
  59. Cermetek 1 item
  61. CDC 1 item
  62. Cambion 4 items
  63. CBS 1 item
  64. Catalyst 4 items
  65. CHIPS & TECH 4 items
  66. CHIPS 1 item
  67. CDTF 1 item
  68. CDT 1 item
  69. Clare 2 items
  70. Computer Products 1 item
  71. Cinch 1 item
  73. CLC 1 item
  74. Comlinear 5 items
  75. CIRRUS 1 item
  76. CIC 2 items
  77. COMP LAB 1 item
  79. CTS 1 item
  80. Crydom 1 item
  81. D 1 item
  82. Cutler-Hammer / Eaton.... 1 item
  83. CRYSTAL SEMI 1 item
  84. CYBIOTRON 1 item
  85. DALLAS 23 items
  86. DATATRANS 1 item
  87. Datatronics Ltd 1 item
  88. DDC 5 items
  89. DATEL 11 items
  90. DAVID SYSTEMS 1 item
  91. DATEL/INTERSIL 2 items
  92. DEC 3 items
  93. DIONICS 4 items
  94. DII 1 item
  95. Elantec 15 items
  96. EMC 6 items
  97. EDI 1 item
  98. DSS 1 item
  99. Dynamic Measurement Corp 1 item
  100. ELX APP CO 1 item
  101. FAIRCHILD 326 items
  102. EXAR 17 items
  103. ERICSSON 1 item
  104. EXEL 7 items
  105. Fairchild semiconductor corportion 5 items
  106. EPSON 6 items
  108. Fairchild Semiconductor. 1 item
  109. FERRANTI 11 items
  110. FUJITSU 26 items
  111. General Electric 32 items
  112. Fuji Electric 8 items
  113. G 1 item
  114. GBL 1 item
  115. Garry 1 item
  116. FLASH 2 items
  117. FUJI 1 item
  118. General Instruments 11 items
  119. GENNUM 1 item
  120. Harris Corp 156 items
  121. GTE 2 items
  122. GTC INC 1 item
  123. Goldstar 8 items
  124. HARRIS 3 items
  125. GSI 1 item
  126. GTEMicro 1 item
  127. Hewlett Packard 24 items
  128. HOLT/CONDAR 1 item
  129. IDT 50 items
  130. Intel 97 items
  131. Inmos 6 items
  132. INTECH 2 items
  134. HYBRID SYS 1 item
  135. HP/Agilent 1 item
  136. IBM 2 items
  137. HYUNDAI 3 items
  138. I 1 item
  139. HPP INC 2 items
  140. INFINEON 1 item
  141. Inmos/ST Microelectronics 1 item
  142. HYBRID SYSTEMS 3 items
  143. IMMOS 1 item
  144. INTERSIL 63 items
  145. Intersil/Siliconix 4 items
  146. INTERDESIGN 1 item
  147. IR 11 items
  148. INTEL FLASH 4 items
  149. INTEL/TEMIC 1 item
  150. INVOA 1 item
  151. INTRONICS 1 item
  152. ITT 7 items
  153. ITT Cannon 1 item
  154. K 1 item
  155. ISOCOM 1 item
  156. ISSI 2 items
  157. JRC 3 items
  158. J B INDUSTRIES INC 1 item
  159. ISOLINK 2 items
  160. ISD INC. 1 item
  161. KEC 1 item
  162. LATTICE 21 items
  163. Linear Technology 163 items
  164. LINFINITY 3 items
  165. LEVEL ONE 1 item
  166. LINEAR TECH 3 items
  167. Litronix 1 item
  168. MAJOR 8 items
  169. LITEON 4 items
  170. LSI 3 items
  171. LOGIC 1 item
  172. LSI LOGIC 1 item
  173. National Semiconductor Corp 240 items
  174. M/A COM PHI INC 1 item
  175. Matsushita 6 items
  176. MICRO NETWORKS 4 items
  177. MAXIM 129 items
  178. Microchip 27 items
  179. Micropower 5 items
  180. MAXTOR 1 item
  181. MICRO-Q 1 item
  182. Maxconn 1 item
  183. MICREL 13 items
  184. Micro Linear 3 items
  185. MICRO CHIP 1 item
  186. Micronetics 3 items
  187. Micron Tech 1 item
  188. MCE UK 1 item
  189. Maxim Integrated 1 item
  190. MARCONI 2 items
  191. MMI 27 items
  192. Mini Circuit Labs 3 items
  193. MISC 10 items
  194. MITEL 3 items
  195. Mitsubishi 38 items
  196. Mitsumi 2 items
  197. MIDLAND ROSS 3 items
  198. Motorola 965 items
  199. MILITARY 3 items
  200. MOSTEK 23 items
  202. MONSANTO 2 items
  203. MOSEL 2 items
  204. Mill-Max 2 items
  206. MITS 2 items
  207. MOSEL-VIT 1 item
  208. MOS 1 item
  209. MIL-MAX 1 item
  210. MOT 2 items
  211. Motorola Inc 4 items
  212. Texas Instruments 682 items
  213. NAMCO CONTROLS 2 items
  214. MP 6 items
  215. MSC 1 item
  216. NAT 199 items
  217. MT 3 items
  218. NAMCO/PLESSEY 1 item
  219. MYSON TECH 1 item
  220. MP LABS 1 item
  221. MX-COM 1 item
  224. National Semiconductor Inc 7 items
  225. NAT/SIG 2 items
  226. NATIONAL SEMI 4 items
  227. NAT/TI/SIG 1 item
  228. NAT/FAIR 1 item
  229. NEC (UK) 1 item
  230. NEC 4 items
  231. NES 1 item
  232. NSC 11 items
  233. NS 1 item
  234. NITRON 1 item
  235. NSC/TANDY 1 item
  236. NTE Electronics Inc. 96 items
  237. Philips 94 items
  238. NTE Electronics Inc 3 items
  239. NTE 32 items
  240. NEC NORTH 1 item
  241. NexFlash Technology Inc 1 item
  242. NEMATRON 1 item
  243. NXP Semiconductors 3 items
  244. OPTEX 1 item
  245. OKI 7 items
  246. ON SEMI 12 items
  247. OPTIMAX 1 item
  248. On Semi/Motorola 1 item
  249. Philco 31 items
  250. Panasonic/Matsushita 4 items
  251. PCA 1 item
  252. Philbrick 1 item
  253. Panasonic 1 item
  254. PERICOM 7 items
  255. Performance Semi 1 item
  256. P-DUKE 1 item
  257. Sylvania 3 items
  258. PMI 64 items
  259. PLESSEY 8 items
  260. PLES 1 item
  261. POLYTRON DEVICES 1 item
  262. PLX 2 items
  263. PLX TECH 1 item
  264. PMI/CDTF 1 item
  265. RAY 2 items
  267. RAYTHEON. 20 items
  268. RAYTHEON 5 items
  269. QTC 3 items
  270. Q-BIT 6 items
  271. QUALITY SEMI 3 items
  272. PROTEK DEVICES 1 item
  273. PRESICONTACT INC 1 item
  274. RCA 151 items
  275. Samsung 21 items
  276. S 3 items
  277. ROHM 13 items
  278. Rockwell 24 items
  279. Robinson - Nugent 17 items
  280. SAE 1 item
  281. SAMTEC 7 items
  282. S-MOS 2 items
  283. RF MONOLITHICS INC 13 items
  284. ROBINSON NUGENT 1 item
  285. RED LINE INC. 1 item
  286. RENESAS 1 item
  287. SEEQ 4 items
  288. Sanyo 48 items
  289. SGS-THOMPSON 10 items
  290. Sanken 2 items
  291. SEI 1 item
  292. SEIKO 3 items
  293. Seagate Technologies 2 items
  294. SHARP 20 items
  295. SCI 1 item
  296. SGS 7 items
  297. Sarasota Semi 1 item
  298. SCANBE 2 items
  299. SIG 94 items
  300. Siemens 17 items
  301. Siliconix 53 items
  302. SIGNETICS 152 items
  303. Silicon General/Microsemi 29 items
  304. SILCONIX 2 items
  305. Silicon Systems 1 item
  306. Silicon Power 1 item
  307. SIPEX 6 items
  308. SIG/TI 2 items
  309. SIMTEK 1 item
  310. Sirenza 1 item
  311. SIG/FAIR 1 item
  312. SK SERIES 1 item
  313. Signal Processing Technologies Inc 1 item
  314. SILICON WAVE 1 item
  315. SSS 8 items
  316. SMC 8 items
  317. ST 15 items
  318. Sony 7 items
  319. Solitron 1 item
  320. SPERRY 2 items
  321. Sprague 35 items
  322. SSI 3 items
  323. SPT 1 item
  324. SPI 4 items
  325. SPIEX 1 item
  326. SST 1 item
  327. SPECTRONIC 1 item
  328. SW 3 items
  329. SUPERTEX 6 items
  331. Stewart-Warner 1 item
  332. STERLING MANU. CO. 1 item
  333. STK Electronics Inc 2 items
  334. ST Electronics International, Inc. 1 item
  335. Stanford Microdevices 1 item
  336. ST. MICRO 1 item
  337. SYNERTEK 2 items
  338. Teledyne 22 items
  339. Teledyne/Philbrick 4 items
  340. T&B/Ansley 1 item
  341. Tektronix 9 items
  342. Teccor 1 item
  343. TELCOM 7 items
  344. TELECOM 3 items
  345. TELTONE 1 item
  346. TELETYPE CORP 1 item
  347. Teledyne & Motorola 1 item
  348. Teledynamic Communications, Inc. 1 item
  350. TAOS 1 item
  351. SYNERTEX 1 item
  352. Toshiba 95 items
  353. TFK 4 items
  354. THOMSON CSF 5 items
  355. TOPAZ 1 item
  356. THOMAS & BETTS 3 items
  357. Transistor Electronics Corp 1 item
  358. TI/INTEL/AMD 1 item
  359. TI/SIG 1 item
  360. TI/NAT 1 item
  361. TI/FAIR/NAT 1 item
  362. TI/SIG/FAIR 1 item
  363. TI/SW 2 items
  364. TI 5 items
  365. TLSI 3 items
  367. Unitrode 25 items
  368. TRW 22 items
  369. UNIDEN 3 items
  370. UMC 3 items
  371. Tyco Electronics 1 item
  372. TRANSTECTOR 1 item
  373. TRW/LSI 1 item
  374. VALOR 1 item
  375. USI 1 item
  376. UTMC/Boeing 1 item
  377. Vadem 1 item
  378. VLSI 3 items
  379. Vishay 1 item
  380. VTC 4 items
  381. Vishay/Telefunken 1 item
  382. Versalogic 1 item
  383. WDC 15 items
  384. Watkins-J 1 item
  385. WEITEK 7 items
  386. Westinghouse 4 items
  387. Zilog 14 items
  388. XICOR 14 items
  389. Zeltex 4 items
  390. WS, INCI 1 item
  391. XILINX 14 items
  392. WINBOND 1 item
  393. Zoran 1 item
  394. ZX 2 items
  395. Wolfson Microelectronics 1 item
  396. Windbond 1 item
  397. ZMD 2 items
  398. ZEGNA 1 item
  399. YAMAHA 1 item
$60 $4000 $60 to $4000
Unit of Measure  
$0 $1499 $0 to $1499
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23 Items

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  1. MOSTEK - MK3853N - IC, Static Memory. - 8 Bit interface, DIP 40.
    MOSTEK - MK3853N - IC, Static Memory. - 8 Bit interface, DIP 40.
    Special Price $12.98 Regular Price $18.95 As low as $10.98

    MOSTEK - MK3853N - IC, Static Memory Interface.

    8-Bit Static Memory Interface for up to 64KX8SRAM, ROM, or PROM

    Package: 40 Dip. 

    LSI Type: NMOS 

    Operating Temperature:  0 C to 70 C

    DC Supply Voltage: +5V/+12V


    Package: DIL-40/2P

    Genuine Mostek Vintage Memory Interface IC - Rare  - New Old Stock

    Data Book:

    Application: Every Mostek Microcomputer 3870/F8 System requires at least on of these devices.

    Alternates: F3853PC, 18202027, 1820-2027, 5962-01-314-6462, 01-314-6462, 5962013146462, 013146462

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  2. MOSTEK - MK41H28N-12 - IC. Function unknown.
    MOSTEK - MK41H28N-12 - IC. Function unknown.
    IC. Function unknown. Package: 16 Dip stacked and soldered to an additional 16 Dip. Learn More
  3. MOSTEK - MK4008P-6 - IC. Dynamic RAM 16-Cdip.
    MOSTEK - MK4008P-6 - IC. Dynamic RAM 16-Cdip.
    IC. Dynamic RAM. Package: 16 Cdip, gold. Leads are tarnishing from age. Learn More
  4. MOSTEK - MK3880BN-6 - IC, microprocessor. CPU.
    MOSTEK - MK3880BN-6 - IC, microprocessor. CPU.
    Special Price $9.98 Regular Price $12.00

    MOSTEK - MK3880BN-6 IC, Microprocessor.

    The Zilog Z80 was built with N-channel silicon technology, at the frequencies of 2.5MHz, 4MHz, 6MHz and 8MHz.  the Z80 was mounted on computers such as the Tandy Radio Shack TRS-80, the amstrad CPC 464, the Sinclair ZX81, the Commodore C128 and the Frankin ace 1200.

    Central processing unit (CPU) Zilog.

    Double marked Z80-CPU.

    6 .0 MHz,

    0 to 70 C

    Package: 40 Dip.

    Genuine MOSTEK Vintage New Old Stock

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  5. MOSTEK - MK4128N-15 - IC. Function unknown.
    MOSTEK - MK4128N-15 - IC. Function unknown.
    IC. Function unknown. Package: 16 Dip stacked and soldered to an additional 16 Dip. Note: MK4128N-15 and MK4128N-20mixed. Learn More
  6. MOSTEK - MKHC14PQ - SMD "PRE-QUAL" stamped 68-CDA0066-X01R1
    MOSTEK - MKHC14PQ - SMD "PRE-QUAL" stamped 68-CDA0066-X01R1
    Special Price $41.95 Regular Price $49.00
    MKHC14PQ smd/sq"PRE-QUAL" stamped 68-CDA0066-X01R1 Learn More
  7. MOSTEK - Z80CPU - MK3880N-4 - 0-70C 4MHZ PROC New 40-dip
    MOSTEK - Z80CPU - MK3880N-4 - 0-70C 4MHZ PROC New 40-dip
    Special Price $4.98 Regular Price $6.50

    MOSTEK - Z80CPU 0-70C - MK3880N-4 - 4MHZ PROC

    General information

    Type: CPU / Microprocessor

    Family: Mostek Z80

    MK3880N-4 is an OEM/tray microprocessor

    Frequency: 4 MHz

    Package: 40-pin plastic DIP

    Socket: DIP40

    Size: 2.05" x 0.54" / 5.21cm x 1.37cm

    Architecture / Microarchitecture

    Manufacturing process: N-channel silicon gate depletion load technology

    Data width: 8 bit

    Physical memory: 64 KB

    On-chip peripherals: Dynamic memory refresh counter

    Electrical / Thermal parameters

    V core: 5V ± 5%

    Minimum/Maximum operating temperature: 0°C - 70°C

    Maximum power dissipation: 1.05 Watt

    Double marked MK3880N-4


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  8. MOSTEK - MK3880N-4 - IC, microprocessor. CPU.
    MOSTEK - MK3880N-4 - IC, microprocessor. CPU.
    IC, microprocessor. Central processing unit (CPU). Double marked Z80-CPU. Package: 40 Dip. Learn More
  9. MOSTEK - MK3881N-4 - IC, NMOS. I-O Controller Circuit.
    MOSTEK - MK3881N-4 - IC, NMOS. I-O Controller Circuit.
    IC, NMOS. I-O Controller Circuit - Parallel I/O Controller. Package: 40 Dip. Note: Double marked Z80-PIO. Learn More
  10. MOSTEK - MK4118P-4 - 1K x 8 Static Ram SRAM New 24-Cdip
    MOSTEK - MK4118P-4 - 1K x 8 Static Ram SRAM New 24-Cdip
    Special Price $14.95 Regular Price $19.00
    1K x 8 Static Ram SRAM New 24-Cdip Learn More
  11. MOSTEK - Z80CPU - MK3880N-4 - New 40 dip Double marked MK3880N-4 IC's.
    MOSTEK - Z80CPU - MK3880N-4 - New 40 dip Double marked MK3880N-4 IC's.
    Special Price $6.98 Regular Price $10.00 As low as $4.98

    MOSTEK - Z80CPU Z80 PROCESSOR Central Processing Unit

    New 40 dip

    Double marked MK3880N-4 IC's.

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  12. MOSTEK - MK5116P - IC. Monolithic u-255 law companding codec.
    MOSTEK - MK5116P - IC. Monolithic u-255 law companding codec.
    Special Price $5.63 Regular Price $7.50
    IC. Monolithic u-255 law companding codec, which contains two sections: (1) An analog-to-digital converter which has a transfer characteristic conforming to the u-255 companding law and (2) a digital-to-analog converter which also conforms to the u-255 law. Package: Cdip gold leads, socket pulls. Learn More
  13. Mostek - MK5375N - IC, telecom. CMOS. Telephone tone / pulse dialer.
    Mostek - MK5375N - IC, telecom. CMOS. Telephone tone / pulse dialer.
    IC, telecom. CMOS. Telephone tone / pulse dialer. Case: 18 Dip. New. Learn More
  14. MOSTEK - MK3883N4 - DMA Controller - Direct Memory Access
    MOSTEK - MK3883N4 - DMA Controller - Direct Memory Access
    DMA Controller - Direct Memory Access. Double marked Z80DMA - Micro Processor Family = Z80. Maximum Clock Frequency (Hz) = 4.0M,Addressing Capability = 64k, Vsup Nom.(V) Supply Voltage = 5.0 Obsolete New 40-dip Learn More
  15. MOSTEK - MK4801AN-90 - IC, memory. SRAM 1K x 8. Used.
    MOSTEK - MK4801AN-90 - IC, memory. SRAM 1K x 8. Used.
    IC, memory. SRAM 1K x 8. Package: 24 Dip. Note: Used/Socket pulls. Learn More
  16. MOSTEK - MKHG08QQ - TC8709 68-CDA0067-X01R1
    MOSTEK - MKHG08QQ - TC8709 68-CDA0067-X01R1
    Special Price $7.46 Regular Price $9.95
    TC8709 68-CDA0067-X01R1 Learn More
  17. MOSTEK - MK68230N-8D - IC. Parallel interface/timer (PI/T).
    MOSTEK - MK68230N-8D - IC. Parallel interface/timer (PI/T).
    Special Price $10.49 Regular Price $13.99
    IC. Parallel interface/timer (PI/T). Package: 48 Dip. Learn More
    Special Price $6.00 Regular Price $8.00
    64Kx1 DYNAMIC RAM 250NS (PULLS) ON BOARDS 16-CDIP Learn More
  19. MOSTEK - MK3850N-3 - IC. Central Processing Unit (CPU). New
    MOSTEK - MK3850N-3 - IC. Central Processing Unit (CPU). New
    Special Price $22.98 Regular Price $29.50 As low as $19.98

    MOSTEK - MK3850N-3 IC.

    The parent device is the 3850 8-bit ALU with 64 bytes of scratchpad RAM and two I/O ports. Instruction decoding is decentralized: instead of the 3850 decoding its own instructions, the program storage unit, PIO and memory interface chips handle the decoding.

    Status: Discontinued

    Central Processing Unit (CPU).

    Package: 40 Dip.

    Genuine Mostek - New Old Stock - Rare

    Applications: This family of processors was used to built Boris chess computer of the Applied Concepts Inc company(1977). This IC is also used in Bally fireball home edition series 1 boards

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  20. MOSTEK - MK1002L - IC. Dual 128-Bit static shift register.
    MOSTEK - MK1002L - IC. Dual 128-Bit static shift register.
    Special Price $6.71 Regular Price $8.95
    IC. Dual 128-Bit static shift register. Package: TO-100-10 (TO-99-10). Learn More
  21. MOSTEK - MK5380N - IC, DTMF. Telephone Tone Dialer.
    MOSTEK - MK5380N - IC, DTMF. Telephone Tone Dialer.
    IC, DTMF. Telephone Tone Dialer, integrated. Direct telephone line operated. Uses 3.579545MHz color burst crystals to provide high accuracy tones. Uses Form A (N.O.) contacts or 2-of-8 keyboard. On-chip regulation of dual and single tone amplitudes. Package: 16 Dip. Note: Leads are tarnished. Learn More
  22. MOSTEK - MK3852N - IC, memory. Dynamic memory interface.
    MOSTEK - MK3852N - IC, memory. Dynamic memory interface.
    IC, memory. Dynamic memory interface. Package: 40 Dip, tarnishing leads. Learn More
  23. Mostek - MK5371N - IC, telecom. Single number pulse tone switchable dialer.
    Mostek - MK5371N - IC, telecom. Single number pulse tone switchable dialer.
    IC, telecom. Single number pulse tone switchable dialer. Case: 18 Dip. Note: maybe perfect clean socket pulls. Used/Removed from equipment. Rev L. Learn More
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23 Items

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